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7 Small shop upgrades that I wish I had years ago

we make over a hundred videos most years sounds like a lot doesn't it but we only make six Cool Tools a year and they're always among our most popular because everyone loves Cool Tools it's like show and tell when you're back in third grade except instead of Transformers and GI Joes I'm going to show you some of my favorite things in the workshop and all you got to do is just sit back maybe have a cold one and enjoy looking at them as always any sponsor involvements posted on the screen at the beginning of the video and down below the video next to the links you can find those if you click show more or if you find them at the top of the comments section if you want to know more about anything you see in this video use those links especially because some of them are going to get you some discounts now this time I'm focusing on some of my favorite small tools I'm going to show you seven of them and I really think you're going to want to watch to the end of this video because these are pound for pound some of the coolest things that you're going to see in a long time and the last one well you're just gonna have to wait and see for that now let's get started many times in the past I've needed a small pocket hole jig that can fit in a tight space to add a part or to make a repair a simple tool like that can really get you out of a bind and I've come to realize despite using many different ones that the miles craft pocket jig 200 is the best value if you want a budget-friendly compact jig for odd jobs for one thing it's a fully functioning pocket holding you can build entire projects with it if you want and it comes with some really useful features that a lot of other mini jigs don't have let's start with the rotating fence on the end if you turn it downward you can hook it on the edge of your work piece to position it precisely in this case I'm using the scale on the side to measure the thickness of my work piece then I push the button on top to set the jig to match that thickness on either the metric or imperial scales finally on the underside I have a convenient way to set the stop collar on my drill bit so I can bore to the correct depth for the material that I'm using now if you're using a metal clamp the rare earth magnet on top conveniently sticks this right to the clamp but any woodworking clamp will work or even a C-clamp I love how they give you a quick release adapter in the kit so you can quickly switch between Drilling and driving screws and they even provide both short and long torque style drivers honestly this set is such a good value for a lot less than I'd expect to pay there's not much more to say about it I assume you know how to use a pocket jig like all the other miles craft tools I own it just does its job well at a reasonable cost if you're looking for a simple inexpensive pocket hole jig to build entire projects or you just want a small version to complement your larger setup this might be the one to get I'm going to link to it below this video I've been using the bow guide Pro for about five years now and to this day I still wonder why nobody thought of this before it's the perfect bandsaw accessory for resawing I love it because it's so fast and easy to set up there's a cam on the bottom that goes into your miter slot as you angle the tool toward you it self-secures in that slot then you slide the handle forward to apply pressure against your work piece I like to push the rubber feather just in front of the end of my board so it'll fold back when I Advance the cut then you lock the lever on top and you're ready to go as you can see the large rubber feather applies firm even pressure keeping the board flat against the fence and giving you a very consistent cut if I'm taking multiple slices from a single board it's so fast and easy to readjust and keep right on going you can add an optional four inch extension for extra wide boards if your saw has high capacity I actually got a second guide Pro so I could just leave the extension on one of them and the rubber-like material conforms to any variations in shape and thickness so it's really versatile they also added a couple extra features like the removable base that can be used to square your fence or to measure its distance from the blade there's a lot of gimmicky bandsaw accessories out there but this one has made a real difference in my shop we've used it for many resaw projects over the years and honestly I wouldn't want to be without it I'll link to the guide Pro below so you can check it out this is another cool accessory that I didn't know I needed until I got one you might have seen it in a recent dado tutorial that we did it's a storage holder for table saw blades it's intended to be used to carry blades to a job site or just to store them in your Workshop so they're secure and they're not going to get banged round and damaged there's even holes for hanging it on a pegboard wall it fits up to 10 blades from your small circular saws to your 10 inch table saws but I'm using this one to store my dado set I love that I can put blades on one side chippers on the other so I don't have to unload everything if I want to just get a thin stack some data sets come with holders but if yours didn't or you want something to store and protect your other saw blades this is tough It's handy and it is reasonably priced I'm actually thinking of ordering another one myself I'll put a link below this video and a discount code so you can save some money on it check them out I've made homemade clamping squares in the past but these are so economical and strong it just makes sense to get a few and I'm glad I did the way they work is simple with a pair of clamps they hold a project Assembly Square so you can add your Fasteners or just let the glue dry they work on inside or outside corners and they have recesses to manage any glue squeeze out they're like having a third or fourth or fifth hand especially for larger casework like cabinet boxes but they can also be used as 90 degree fixtures for making jigs for other tools like the table saw the drill press That's because they're guaranteed Square within two thousandths and they're made from durable non-flexing glass reinforced nylon I love that they come in four different sizes and four to a set so they're as cheap as a buck 25 each for the smallest ones that's what I mean about being economical but you have to use my link below to get them and I suspect this is one of those things that's going to sell out fast like a lot of stuff in these videos do so I'd grab a few while you can whenever I do Cool Tools videos I try to get some of the brands that I've gotten to know personally over the years to give some special discounts for my audience and this time three brands are giving discounts uh the first one I already told you about was the ridge carbide but the other one is one of the best Brands honestly that I've ever had the pleasure of working with isotunes they're a

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