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Awesome Van Conversion on a Tight Budget! Part 2

good day folks Uncle neck is here with part two of my tiny home on Wheels van to camper van conversion now in today's episode we'll be looking at some sound deadening some wall and ceiling insulation and if time permits a bit of wall framing this is going to be a long day let's do it starting with the sound deadening you need to concentrate on the areas of your van whether it be the ceiling or the walls like this side panel here that sound tiny for example tiny not tinny and where it does sound tiny stick on some of that sound deadening material now you don't need to cover the entire panel just a strip R do and then once all that's done head on down to the wheel arches because a lot of noise comes up from the road through your tires and up through the wheel archers so it's a great idea to cover the entire wheel arch with some of that sound deadening [Music] [Music] material that sounds better now I think I should caveat that last statement by saying that like I mentioned in the previous video my son is on a very tight budget and this stuff here is quite expensive but if you can cut one of these sheets into two and do two panels well it becomes very cost effective but if you've got the money by all means cover the whole panel with that material because it will do a better job but in our case desperate times call for desperate measures that's hard to say desperate times call for desperate measures bit tricky now one handy little tip when applying the soundproofing to the wheel archers do it in small pieces just like I'm doing it here it's much easier to handle and you'll end up with a better [Music] finish so that's the sound deadening all done and I managed to get all of this out of the one box which was 105 bucks which is within budget so that should keep the young fell happy all righty onto the insulation as I did in the last video to STI the installation in place all I'm using is a good quality sprayon contact adhesive which does the job very nicely mental note just be careful not to spray any on the lens of the camera not looking at anybody in particular what and with those areas where it's a little tricky to just stick on the foil board a packet of pink bats wall installation which is rated at R2 is a great choice to stop into those little nooks and crannies just bear in mind that it can be a little itchy but it's reasonably cheap so fits within our budget however if your budget can stretch just a little woen bats are a great option as they don't itch and they offer a great r value now with the sound deadening and the wall installation all done it's now time to concentrate on putting in that wall framing for the wall cladding now I've just had a thought but behind this section here there lots of wires and other sorts of bits and Bobs that I may want to access down the track so what I think I'm going to do is just replace the old cover just like that and then only frame and clad to this level here I think that should work or am I overthinking it better to be safe and sorry now just between you and me if everything goes to plan like it has so far this has the potential to be a Schmick little Motel on Wheels speaking about motels a couple of months ago I stayed in one and as per usual next to the bed in the drawer was a Bible with a message on the inside that said if you're an alcoholic and you think you have a drinking problem call this number I called it it was the liquor store let it out folks that's all I got now as you can see the war framing on my son's van which by the way is a hyi I load is really quite basic all it is is a couple of sticks of Timber repeated on the other side that are simply attached via some metal angle brackets what isn't basic however is actually cutting out the template for that clading the reason being is that on this fan we have lumps bumps ends out curves you name it it's got it and to tell you the truth it almost did my head in so what you need to do is to grab yourself an old piece of cardboard like I have here cut in some shapes run a few experiments until you think you've got it just about right and then transfer that onto a template to see if it fits now as you can see this is how mine turned out now it fits pretty good I'm fairly happy just needs a few minor adjustments but once that's all done we'll then transfer this shape onto the actual cladding but we won't install that until all the wirings been done which will be in the next video or two stay tuned now with the roof Jack didn't want the usual boring old plywood ceiling that you see in a lot of vans so what we decided was to Jazz it up a little by initially cutting some MDF to the shape of the roof which I then painted black to create an accent which you will see a little later on in the video I then also ran some string line that I'll use later to drag some wires through for the LED lights now attaching the MDF to the roof as a onean band proved to be a little tricky as you can see but thankfully through sheer perseverance I managed to get there in the end and obviously as you expect all expletives were edited out of this scene by this time Jack the prodigal son has returned from his surfing sabatical to fij which was perfect timing as it was time to paint and attach some 66 mm Pine strips to the MDF which is definitely a Twan job now these pine strips painted white with the black accent in between each board really makes that ceiling pop and creates that authentic surfing Safari feel to the van so after all that hard work this is how the ceiling finished up after a couple of coats of paint and I have to say that I think it looks absolutely awesome and I even got the seal of approval from Jack which was a big relief now just very quickly one very handy thing to remember before you install your ceiling is to either run your cables or at least make Provisions like I have here for your lights fans etc etc because once that ceiling goes up it's going to be impossible or very difficult to run your cables now if for some reason you've been living under a rock and didn't get to see part one do yourself a favor and check that one out just so you can see how we got to this stage here and I'll leave a link to that video down below and also at the end of this video so let's see today is the 23rd of March 2024 so part three the grand finale should be out in a couple of weeks from today and in that video the cabinets they'll be all in place the electricals will be done and that cladding will be all sorted with a van ready to pull out of the driveway and hit the open road so make sure you don't miss it and tune in for the grand finale all righty after all that I think I need a cup of tea so till next time home be good be safe and I'm out of here cheers

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