Beginner Woodworking and Carpentry Terminology Part 2
Today's video is part two of our woodworking terminology absolute basics series and like the first video if you hover over the timeline below you can see that this video is broken up in the five major sections power tools types of cuts types of trim and molding window parts and cabinet parts power tools are any tool that require an electrical power source or any other type of mechanism to make it operate so with that here the list the most common power tools and their associated terms a table saw is used to rip and cross cut material easily accurately and safely it is by far the most used power tool in the shop ripping is cutting a board along its length or with the grain which changes the board's overall width cross cutting is cutting across the width or across the grain which changes the board's overall length the table saw is a great tool to talk about two other terms and that is in-feed and out-feed the in-feed side of the table saw is this area before the blade while the outfeed side is this area beyond the blade these terms also apply to the next two power tools as well the first one being the planer which is used to reduce the overall thickness of the material and then the other is the jointer which is used to square the edges the table saw the jointer and the planar are the three main big power tools that you need to be able to dress rough lumber and now you can begin to see why most people buy s4s lumber because not a lot of people do have the money or the space for these big power tools the miter saw is next this tool is specifically designed to make cross cuts and to make miter and bevel cuts more on that in the next section the jigsaw is a tool that is great for making curved cuts and notches the circular saw is the carpenter's number one power tool used to cut dimensional lumber plywood and other materials and with the proper accessories circular saws can produce a cut almost as good as a table saw next is orbital sanders they are a powerhouse when it comes to quickly sanding material down the router these power tools are made for putting different profiles on the edges of stock as well as a lengthy list of other cool stuff cordless drills are battery operated drills that are used for driving screws as well as turning drill bits to pre-drill holes pre-drilling is when you drill a hole prior to installing a screw or nail to reduce the chances of breaking it off or stripping it out the last group of power tools worth mentioning is pneumatic nailers these tools are air powered tools that quickly and easily install finish nails brads framing nails and much more as a side note these nailers nowadays also come in battery operated and gas versions as well the most basic cut is a 90 degree cross cut this cut is used to size boards down to length and when two 90 degree cuts come together they form a butt joint the next term is miter miter cuts are made across the face of the board at an angle and when two miters come together it's called a miter joint similar to a miter joint a bevel is an angled cut that is made on the edge of the material not the face like a miter the most common example of this is used on baseboards these types of cuts when put together are still called miter joints the last type of angle cut is a compound cut compound miters are done on a compound miter saw these saws not only miter left or right but they also tilt or bevel left or right this type of cut is most commonly used on crown molding and when this joint comes together it's called a compound miter joint let's finish this section off by talking about dados grooves and rabbets dados are three sided trenches cut across the grain of the wood these cuts are used for joining other intersecting pieces like a shelf in a cabinet there's another dado as well and this one's called a stopped dado stop dados stop somewhere along the cut creating a stopping point for the intersecting piece to butt up against often oftentimes these are used to stop shelves from coming past the front of a cabinet next is the groove similar to a dado and often times still called dados a groove is a three-sided trench cut with the grain and last but not least the rabbit cut a rabbit cut has two sides it is always cut along the edge of the material in general trim is a straight piece of wood like a 1×4 that has an s4s finish molding generally refers to a piece of wood that has a shaped profile on it like a piece of window or door casing these two terms often get used interchangeably so just know that you're going to hear that from time to time the word trim can be used as a verb as well someone might say that they're going to trim out a window let's move on to talk about a few different types of trim and molding baseboard or base molding is trim or molding that is at the bottom of a wall which covers the intersection between the floor and the wall shoe molding or base shoe is a piece of molding that is normally paired with baseboard to add an additional profile or to cover up any gaps in the floor next up is paneling paneling can be either solid wood or some type of plywood material used to cover up the entire wall or it can be used as decorative paneling meaning that it only covers up a part of the wall generally within the first three feet another term used more often than decorative paneling is wainscoting and wainscoting is great to learn from because it normally incorporates a few different types of trim and molding the paneling used to create this wayne's coating is a beaded paneling meaning that it has these beads molded right into the sheet of the paneling below we have baseboard in the shoe which we already looked at but something we didn't look at is on top which is the cap the cap in this case finishes off the top of the wainscoting the cap then meets a horizontal rail or trim piece and some styles of wayne's coating may also have vertical styles as well under the cap can be a quarter round which is a quarter circle of thin molding or it may even be a cove molding that looks like this moving on the next type of molding to look at is crown molding crown molding is normally larger than most moldings and normally installed at the junction between the wall and the ceiling crown molding can be used in other places as well like the top of cabinets another term that you may hear often used around molding or installing molding is the word return a return continues the molding's profile around the corner or finishes it off back into the wall as you can see this is a very clean way to finish off this profile so you're not seeing the end of the molding itself before we dive into the window parts themselves let's look at a few terms that are used to describe the framing members around the window the rough sill is the framing member that the window sits on normally this is a two by four two by six piece of dimensional lumber along both sides of the rough window opening are what's called jack studs these studs form the roug