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come on oh no we fitting to fix this right now oh yeah i left it full of gas i got this generator about a year ago and it has been great i've only used it a few times you know so i haven't really put it through the ringer but it's worked perfect and it is super quiet so i do love this generator um the only thing that i have hated about this generator since i got it is these tiny wheels because this thing is heavy and uh it is so low to the ground i mean i don't know it has that it has like one inch of clearance under it so that's terrible so i want to fix that today and i want to see what i can do to uh put some bigger wheels on here get this kind of get the wheels off the ground so this just kind of pops off here i think there we go pull this pin out washer pretty simple half inch so i know there's a kit that you can order that costs about 150 bucks to do this but i'm not going to spend 150 bucks to do this because i think i can do it for much less than that i'm going to run to lowe's and just take a look and see what's in what's in the boxes and see if there's anything available to make this that i can hack this and make this work so i'm going to run to lowe's and i'll be right back 3 hours later i think i got what i need okay let's see what we got [Applause] okay first thing i picked up these six inch steel wheels four of them then these are half inch coupler coupling nuts so um i think what i'm going to do is figure out how to make these work on there i also got some half inch bolts here and i kind of tested this out there at lowe's so you know that will go in there and spin freely this will connect to the coupling nut and then i just got to get the coupling nut onto the current axle on the generator total cost for all of this was about 50 a giant savings over 150 plus i didn't have to wait for it to be shipped and get here i looked at several different things they had there you know to go through all the drawers they have that have all the unusual bits and pieces for doing projects just like this i looked at getting just half inch spacers the only the only issue i came up with was everything was only an inch and a half long whether i got the coupler nut or the spacer i looked at the spacer originally and i thought about getting just half inch steel bar to go into the spacer and figure out a way to connect everything and then just putting a like an acorn is it an acorns that you call it anyway like uh axle cap nut whatever you want to call it just the press-on caps there to hold the wheel on but in the end i felt like the coupler nut was probably the best route to go uh partly because this is just really thick the spacer was not nearly as thick and i don't think it would be as strong as this so i think the first thing i've got to do is clear out half of the threads in here because this will not go on to the axle as it is right now so i'm going to take this over to the drill press and clear this out oh and by the way um today is not a special day or anything it's not sunday um you know i just decided to wear my holy shirt it's just feeling a little spiritual today you know what i'm saying let's get over to the bandsaw all right let's see here let's slow this down 11 16 to 1 inch steel 300 300 and right now i am at 1900 okay so we're going to slow down a little bit she needs more listening there we go all right that should be it half inch drill bit and i'm going to mark how deep i want this to go i'm not worried about being super precise here as far as depth but i do want them all to be preferably the same bottle dew that'll do you pig okay okay i got me some gloves on and i'm going here a little synthetic little full synthetic 5w30 good dude i'm just gonna i didn't have the gorilla grip i didn't i got to put my gi joe kung fu grip on here we go i'm going to take that squealing as a sign that i need more oil darn you you know i'm something of a machinist myself all right you see all those shavings in there at this point i should probably point out that i am indeed a professional idiot and if you're just an amateur you may want to stick with the spacers since you don't have to drill those out instead of going with the coupler nuts but you know drill at your own risk at your own peril let's see if these fit oh look at that noise nice so next what i have to do is see where the cotter pin goes in there and i'll probably drill that cotter pin out bigger since i know that the cotter pins i got are too big for that hole i'm gonna measure how far that goes in there i'll mark how far that goes down there measure to the cotter pin hole and then mark that same hole on the coupler nut and drill that out all right i'm gonna hold off of just so it's easier i'm gonna hold off the tin and the cotter or the hole for the cotter pin is at three quarters of an inch so i'll just come from here from the drilled outside all right let me i don't know if you saw that so anyway i'll come from the drilled outside and then i'll mark three quarters of an inch there and i'll drill a hole all the way through both both sides of the nut you know what i gotta raise this up you'll raise me up and i gotta readjust the camera all right let's try this much less eventful do be careful that's why i was wearing gloves because man this thing gets freaking hot so this one has cooled off oh and check it out hold on huh uh that my friends yeah pay no attention see how that got off right there pay no attention to that just pay attention to that [Music] there what i'm actually going to do here because i don't basically all i can it's going to go i'm either going to get a two inch bolt or a two and a half inch bolt i don't really want to take the time to cut this off so i'm just going to put a washer on the front i'm going to put the wheel on and i'm going to take three washers and put on the back [Music] and let's let's test fit this you know i'm sure somebody out there's got the ingenuity to bring this in closer but for me working with what i have for doing this on the cheap this is going to work what i'm going to do now is take some blue loctite this is actually not light tight this is permatex thread locker and you don't want to use the red stuff because that would be hard to get off if your head take it off this will hold it but the blue thread locker is made for you to be able to loosen it back up when you want this will just keep vibration from loosening it all right i'm just going to go around do this to all three of the remaining wheels and then we'll put it on the ground see how well it works here's one issue this wheel right here uses this brake and we slide that up and move it over lock the brake in and obviously this system is not going to work for that so i'm going to lose my break i may go back and figure out how to make this work later but i use that so rarely that i don't even care about it oh lord it's heavy wow hear it oh snap tell me tell me that ain't some fine redneck engineering right there

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