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Build A SHED ROOF Step by Step Easy Tutorial

[Music] [Applause] now we're going to go ahead and show you how to take your span for a shed roof and also figure the elevation for your height of your plate that your roof's going to sit on first of all again hook on the outside of this wall but instead of going to clear the outside of this wall what we want to do is come to the face of this wall for our span for a shed roof because our Bird's mouth is going to sit right against this wall and not the exterior wall hey welcome to saw us and wood this is a video I found that I had years ago it was a video on teaching you how to build ruls so I found it and I just want to share with y'all absorb the knowledge it's very good material you have a great day so on this span we have 9t 9 and 3/4 in to the inside of our wall let me show you how to figure that this elevation out what we're doing is is we're putting a shed roof on a 3 and 12 so we're dealing with a N9 9 ft span so all we have to do is go for every foot of run it's going to climb 3 in so all we have to do is go 9 * 3 is 27 in but we have a fraction left over at 9 and 3/4 so let me show you a real simple way to figure this out that is accurate and you don't have to be a mathematician to understand this you simply take your framing square and you Mark 3 in put a little Mark on your 3 in draw a line down to your corner and come over to the 12in mark and make a little Mark and draw that to the same Corner since the the reason we do this is because it's on a 3in rise and 12in run then I take my square and I draw a line from the 3-in rise to the 12in Run mark that I marked and draw that now remember I had the fraction of 9 and 3/4 that I have to add to my 27 in cuz my span is 9t 9 and 3/4 so I take my square and I read it from the inside I slide it down to my Square from the inside to 9 and 3/4 on my 12in Mark and I simply look up on the inside of my square and it tells me that I need to add two and 3/8 in of Rise I'm going to have for that 9 and 3/4 so I put 2 and 3/4 2 and 38 to my 27 in and simply add those up which is 29 and 38 in so I know the height of my wall from my plate the height of my wall that my shed roof is getting sit on is 29 and 38 in I want to show you now how to take a span for a shed roof I'm just using this 2×4 here to sort of give you an idea what a shed roof is a shed roof is simply like half a gable roof comes from outside wall and comes up but there's no return down so when we're figuring out our span we hook on our outside wall and come to the inside of our pony wall which is 9t 9 and 3/4 and we're using a rafter book in this series so I want I want to explain to you why we double the 9 fo9 and 3/4 is because a rafter book only deals with full spans and when when the raor book deals with full spans they only give you half the distance of that rafter the only way I could probably show you this if this building is 10′ one and so if you're doing a a Gable rof your rafter book would only give you the length of a rafter that would come up and meet right in the center of your building now if we double that length we'll be able to find exactly where our Bird's mouth will sit and this is why I double my span up when I'm doing a shed roof so let's go ahead and double that up it's 9'9 and 3/4 * 2 would be 19 7 and 1/2 in so I go ahead and my span after adding these up will be 19t 7 1/2 in for laying out for a shed roof we have the rafter sitting on a 2T centers and all you do is hook on the outside of your wall and pull 2T 4T and so on and then you go to your pony wall hook on the same start point and you pull your twoot layout there also rator Raptors for our shed roof but there's one thing about working on a real shallow pitch like a 3 and 12 is is when you're coming down an inch and a half for your seat cut your level cut coming out is about 6 in and most dat blades on your chipper saws only come about 3 and 1/2 Ines and swing tables the blades aren't big enough so the best you can do when you're dealing with shallow pitches is turning your saw on on a 14 degree angle which we're going to use on the 3 and 12 and go ahead and make your two Plum Cuts then use your pattern here describe your level cut and cut them let's go ahead and do that right now I just take my framing square goad and square across then I just come on down and Mark my length for my rafter on both sides La those two points mark it across I go ahead and take my saw and turned on the 14° angle which is a degree of a 3 and 12 pitch roof set it for depth and just run through for my Plum cut and I do the same thing on the line that I marked on the opposite end after this we'll just go ahead and Scribe them and we'll go to the other end and do the same thing go ahead and cut [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] him and this is how you do it when you're dealing with real shallow pitch roof when your dado blade or your swing table isn't deep enough long enough to go through on your cuts when stacked in a shed roof or even a gable roof it's always a good idea to make sure you have a straight rafter with your outside wall so when you get ready to Gable stud from your wall up to your rafter you won't have a big bow or big dip in it why don't we go ahead and just stack this roof out [Music] we completed our shed roof and this roof is probably the easiest roof the master of all the [Music] roofs

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