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Cordless Drill vs Impact Driver vs Hammer Drill: What’s The Difference?

today's video is all about drills what's the difference between a regular drill an impact driver a hammer drill and do you really need one of these drills if you have any drill questions that need to be answered stick around i've had a few people comment in some of the recent videos whenever i'm using a drill what type of drill that is what is that drill for what's the difference between the drill used in this part of the video and the drill used in this part of the video and for some of those in particular i was using this a right angle drill but i'll get to that in just a second let's start out with what are the differences between a standard drill driver and a impact driver these i just happened to get this new set today this new milwaukee 12 volt combo set it's a drill with hammer drill function and then an impact driver and these are really nice i really like these tools a lot i'll go over these a little bit but basically a drill works for the function of drilling okay to drill holes to run screws in and the way you can modulate the power on a drill is with your finger some of them have [Applause] the harder you squeeze the trigger the more power they deliver drills also generally have a chuck excuse me not a chuck but a clutch they all have a chuck the chuck i'll go ahead and explain what that is the chuck is the part that holds your bit in say uh if i want to put this drill bit in here okay these are keyless chucks pretty much all new drills or keyless chucks other than like really heavy duty drills probably like a corded drill and the way that you put your drill bit in take your bit put it in the end kind of loosely grab around the chuck and then in your forward function on your drill squeeze and then the teeth will close around the bit as it tightens and you squeeze that to take your bit out put it in reverse squeeze it and then take it out getting to the clutch function you notice how this around the chuck there are these numbers this is your clutch this is for when you're drilling into something that you know if you're drilling a short screw into something that's very a very soft wood for instance and you don't want to just keep drilling it if you keep this in drill function now this one has a drill and a hammer function but if you leave it in drill function it's just going to power right through that and it's going to strip the wood out around the screw so you want to put it on a lower function on the clutch a lower number on the clutch so that when the drill meets resistance it slows down or stops i'll show you how that works let's say you got a piece of three quarter inch plywood and maybe this is the side of your cabinet and you want to attach a magnetic catch to that the magnetic catch is made out of plastic and if you torque a screw down onto that you're going to crack that plastic but i'm just going to set that there for now so that we can get a good view of it i'm going to be using these really short screws which again if i use too much power on the drill it's just going to strip these out and i'll demonstrate that so to do this first i've got you may want to pre-drill this but i'm not going to for this purpose i'm going to get i'm going to change my bit out so again i put it in reverse hold the chuck and i've got my you can see right here because i've got the clutch set to such a low setting didn't take much pressure for it to stop okay take that out change the bit okay [Music] okay so because this wood is a soft wood because it's plywood i didn't crack the plastic but you could see that the screw is just spinning there and it's lost any function to grab because i have i don't know if this is a technical term or not and wow that screw is hot but i've wallered that hole out to where that screw won't grab anymore so let's show you how to do this the right way okay let's go around let's set it to two on our clutch and see what happens [Music] okay see i didn't let off the my finger is still squeezing the trigger and the drill let off when it hit that resistance and that is nice and tight now if you're going to drill a hole you don't want to have your clutch set to one of those low numbers you just want it set to the drill function and that's going to put full power non-stop into drilling the holes now what is the hammer function on a drill well i just happen to have this concrete block here so let's see what happens let's test this out typical function you know standard drill function is uh rotation okay for drilling holes or uh you know driving screws when you put it in hammer function basically think about it to simplify it there's a function in here that as the drill bit is spinning basically it's like a hammer that's why it's called a hammer drill it's hitting it from the back and so the drill in a small movement the bit is actually doing this right here and so as you're going down it's helping to add pressure and it speeds up the process of drilling concrete the hammer drill is the main purpose of a hammer drill is for drilling holes in concrete so i've got a concrete bit here i've got a piece of concrete and what i thought we might do that might be kind of cool is see if there's any difference i want to get a piece of tape and mark this because i want to find out if the drill if the hammer drill function is faster than the standard drill function and the way we'll do that is by testing and seeing how fast each one gets this bit to this depth on the concrete and this is not indicative of how it will be on every you know if you're drilling into a concrete foundation that could be much harder than this concrete block but anyway this will just kind of give us an idea for for this little short demonstration anyway so i'm going to put it in regular drill function another thing i didn't mention was a lot of drills have a speed so you've got your clutch and then you've got speed you can control speed as i mentioned with how much you pull the the trigger which i use a lot and then you've also got a one and a two generally on top of your drill and that that's two and that's one and that just controls the rpms but i almost always leave it in two and do control it with my finger okay regular drill function let's put a clock up and let's see how long this takes to get this drill bit in [Music] [Applause] okay that was regular let's turn it to hammer drill and let's see if this goes any faster i'm not even sure if the clock is necessary on that that was so much obviously faster and you notice how when i used the hammer function you heard the in addition to the regular drill sound that's the sound of that hammer inside there and i mean a hammer that's just popping it and driving it in as we're drilling so there's the difference between a regular drill and a hammer drill what is an impact driver for if you have a drill and a hammer drill why do you need an impact driver well an impact driver is specifically for driving screws and generally driving a lot of scre

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