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DIY Fishing Rod Carrier and Storage Rack! AMAZING!

g'day folks uncle knackers here look it's a cracking day here today so i've decided to ditch the tools and go fishing whoa that was a good bite thank you darkly let's get the rods ah all right this uh barbell won't be doing too many curls let's get rid of that rodzies let's go fishing now the painful thing about what you just saw is that more often than not you'll get to your favorite fishing spot only to find that the fishing rods are a tangled bird's nest of hooks line and sinkers so much that you can't even pull your rods apart it doesn't head in and i think the solution to my problem and hopefully yours too is to make a four fishing rod grab-and-go carrier that i can take anywhere that can be stored by hanging on the wall and is also made out of my favorite material scrap wood let's do it and for the fishing rod carrier i'm just using this 12 mil or half inch scrap plywood which i had left over from my last project which was that mountain bike ramp over there check out the old fella go still got it and if you want to check that video out i'll link to it up there and also down below good stuff that's more like it i've gone out and i've grabbed myself a chopping board straight from the kitchen and this is what we'll be using as a template for our grab and go fishing rod holder thingamajig thingy too easy now the template is going to be used for either end of the carrier and as you can see we are 250 millimeters wide and 360 millimeters long and these here are the approximate imperial conversions which are nine and three quarters of an inch and fourteen and one quarter of an inch [Music] [Music] okay so that's both ends cut for the fishing rod carrier and now all we need to do is to cut a handle for the top and a brace for the bottom too easy lemon squeezy i'm good now for the handle i'll be cutting that to a length of 775 millimeters which is about 30 and a half inches and to a width of 125 millimeters which is 5 inches and for the bottom brace i'm going to cut that the same length as the top which is 775 millimeters or about 30 and a half inches and to a width of 100 millimeters which is four inches now the handle is going to be pretty bog standard with no real bells and whistles all i've done is i've come in from either end 310 millimeters or roughly 12 and a quarter of an inch and i've put a mark there and there and from the top i've gone down 25 millimeters or an inch and i've put a mark there and then from that i've gone down 40 millimeters which is roughly an inch and a half put that mark there and this is going to create our grip for the handle and from either end i've gone down 60 millimeters which is roughly two and a quarter of an inch which will create that bevel and also take away some of the bulk of the handle now if you guys are interested in working along with me all of the different tools i'm using will be linked below so you can check them out there there you go pretty basic but it feels really good since we're talking about fishing how's this i went out the other day didn't catch anything as per usual so i thought i'd duck into the fish and chip shop on the way home to get some fish and chips and while i'm in there true story a guy walks in there with a fish under his arm he says to the guy behind the counter hey mate do you make fish cakes and the guy behind the counter says we make fish cakes and the guy goes great it's his birthday all right enough of that back to it the next thing we need to do is to mark out and cut the holes in the end of our fishing rod carrier for our fishing rods to poke through now the measurements i have on the board here are for medium to smaller type spinning reels for instance from the middle of my handle to the bottom of the fishing reel is 140 millimeters so if we go from the middle of the handle which is there down 140 we've still got 20 millimeters clearance before we hit the ground and if you want to make yours the same size as mine i've gone up from the bottom 160 millimeters which is about six and one quarter of an inch and in 54 millimeters or roughly two and one eighth of an inch from the top i've gone down 54 millimeters which is roughly 2 and 1 8 of an inch and in 54 millimeters or roughly 2 and 1 8 of an inch and the hole saw that i'm using for the fishing rod handles is 44 millimeters or roughly one and three quarters of an inch and that should suit most fishing rods but again that may change depending on what sort of fishing rod you have [Music] now here's a handy little hole sawing tip that'll hopefully save you some time it's a real pain in the backside when you're drilling a hole with a hole saw and the plug gets caught and you can't remove it so most hole saws come with a little hole which you can see there that you poke something through and that will push the plug out but what i like to do is to simply unscrew the auger just like that push it through that frees everything up then you can just simply unscrew the plug and bob's your uncle too easy now with those four holes drilled we can tackle the other end of the fishing rod carrier where we need to cut out this funny looking shape for all four fishing rods now don't worry about the dimensions i'll put those into a pdf which you can download in the description box down below [Music] all right i reckon that's looking pretty good i think it's time to glue and screw it together [Music] beautiful and that's the frame done love it alrighty that is looking pretty darn snazzy now to finish this off all we need to do is to make that mounting bracket and then give it a couple of coats of a clear satin varnish now this is what the wall bracket looks like and we need to cut out this shape here now just remember with yours that the bottom of the hook has to line up with the tops of these checkouts and just remember that the distance from that mark there to the edge which is the piece that's screwed to the wall has to be the same size or slightly less than the distance from the underside of the brace to the underside of the rod carrier if it's any greater than that then this won't sit flush up against the [Music] wall so there's the wall bracket all finished and to use it you just simply attach this to the wall line those hooks up with the slots place them inside like that slide it up and bang you're locked in too easy [Music] and after all that hard work this is how it turned out and i have to say i am really happy with the end result now it's a couple of things here which i didn't mention earlier this little hook and the felt which is in there so stick around and i'll explain why i did that in just a sec now if we come back over here to the wall this is where the wall bracket is mounted and that is just simply screwed to the wall into a stud in three different spots now if we come back to the fishing rod carrier for an overall look and i have to say this is an absolute little ripper now the reason for adding these eyelets and there's four of them one two thre

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