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DIY inside angles without an angle finder! Must Watch!

so I got a 110 degree angle right here this is some props I use from my previous video and let's say I don't have an angle finder or my angle finder breaks while I'm on a job to find that angle you put make sure both of your pieces of wood are the same thickness same size wood these are both 2×4 put one piece like this put the other piece on this wall so each piece is on the wall like so and your mark right here then you have this line here I marked and what I'm gonna do is trace a straight line from this corner up to the corner of the board and you can use a framing square I'll just use this piece of wood I have right here line it up here now I have my mark my angle here so I will get onto the miter saw and adjust it until the blade lines up perfectly here and that's where I will cut it alright so I have my block of wood here I have my lines we're gonna find out so I'm gonna look for this guide right here to line up with this with this line where my saw blade will be so I'll put it on and when I think it's close I will check it let's see come down you can tell it's still off so I'm gonna readjust a little bit so it looks good and that looks pretty good right there that's showing 36 on my miter saw so let's make this cut pretty good take the same cut let's take our on a 10 degree angle here let's get everything lined up now we made our two cuts there you go how to cut angles without an angle finder look on a miter saw why not going to 36 degrees alright now this piece over next one we're gonna cut I already checked this like I told you before so I know it's 125 degree angle but fo we're gonna pretend we don't know what the angle is all right we're on to our next angle so put a piece of wood in secure it to the wall right in the corner bring the other piece in let's get it secure everything is tight mark right here then I want to make a line from here to here to the corner of this line to the corner of the board and that will be the cut line I need to follow so let's mark it out and that line from here to here is going to be where you want your saw blade to run to get the correct angle [Music]

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