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DIY Whiteboard Competition WINNER Is…??

get any folks I get a fight get a folks I connect is here from DIY for knuckleheads with a very quick video today to select the winner of my latest whiteboard competition is it going to be you let's find out now if you can see your name on that list congratulations you're in the draw and if I just zoom in a fraction with my amazing video ugh Rafi skills here we go with a bit of luck your name is one of the lucky 20 good stuff now if you didn't see your name in that list of 20 don't panic because I'm going to randomly select one more entrant from the comment section in the video so if you left a comment you're still in with a chance and this is how I'm going to do it check it out it's really cool before I upload a video to YouTube to optimize it for SEO or use a fantastic program called chew buddy now if you follow my cursor in the white space here and we'll go across to the cube buddy icon or click on that and that brings a box up which gives us the option to pick a winner so we'll click that another box comes up and it says click the button below to pick a random commenter so let's do that is it going to be you drumroll please and it is Roy Ren congratulations Roy you're in the draw mate now there's one more quick thing before the competition draw if you create YouTube videos and you want to up your game and vastly improve your chances of being seen on YouTube at the same time download tube buddy this is not a paid endorsement that's an honest uncle knackers recommendation so do yourself a favor and get on board I'll link to it down below alrighty to the draw now this is how the competition's going to work I think I haven't tried it yet but I've taped all the names to different sides of this block I will drop the block from a height it will tumble down hit the ground now our ever names are faci up will be eliminated from the competition and we'll keep on doing that until this one person left and I think I'll call this the offcut elimination challenge yep the next big thing TV game show here we come you mark my words here we go the first round of the eliminations bombs away okay so who we got here sorry about that guys but you've been eliminated all righty around – sorry folks but you've been eliminated but luck next time only two sides left crush your fingers people the old behind the neck drop okay who have we got this time too bad fellas you've been knocked out sorry about that and now we're down to the final six okay right out when they are down to six names on two sides what's getting close just to mix things up a little bit I'm now going to try the tenpin bowling technique let's give it a go all right we got we have there we go sorry fellas you are so close we got left all righty down to you three guys get in close the final three John kanata Chris Wyatt and built by Chris good luck guys here we go all right okay and who do we have let me just focus in here he is John kanata oh sorry about that mate so close which means we have Chris Wyatt and duped by Chris left what a classic the – Chris's all righty let's say he wins this thing okay here we go folks the final drop who's going to win built by Chris or Chris Wyatt who it's gonna be good and I don't even give it an extra twist right here we go nobody take to nobody three here we go all right we have a winner and that winner is unfortunately it's not you Chris Wyatt sorry about that but congratulations – built by Chris good stuff mate well done and I'll be in contact shortly Chris so I can send you out these signed do your wife a knucklehead stickers as well as to organize that Skype conversation all righty I think it's only one thing left to say and that is great tip knackers all righty I hope you enjoyed that video thanks for watching thanks for commenting please subscribe until next time be safe in our mandevilla cheese [Music]

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