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Does My DIY Smokeless Fire Pit Really Work? Truth Revealed!

you can call me stupid hey guys today i want to talk to you about the smokeless fire pit that i built a couple weeks ago there's been a lot of questions about it in the comments and frankly some accusatory accusatory statements that's shocking i'm going to give you some tips and hints that i figured out since building it i just want to be totally honest and come clean with you spoiler alert it works even better than i thought it's amazing sorry about the lighting it is super bright out here and there's not a cloud in the sky but i want to show you real quick how this smokeless fire pit works i haven't attached my caps on here yet so i'm just going to pull these off real quick the basic premise of how this works is cool air with fresh oxygen comes into these gaps from where i pulled out the papers then that air travels up the gap between the ring and the pavers and once it gets to the top it is warmed at that point and it comes out the hole and provides hot oxygenated fresh air to create a secondary burn now i'm no expert and no scientist i'm just telling you kind of how the solo pit solo fire pit and the brio fire pit explain how they work some people told me that on those fire pits when they're working at like peak efficiency you'll actually see little flames coming out of these holes now you never see that but i did notice the other night whenever we used this that it got hot enough that like when my girls held it like a little stick over the edge it would ignite the end of it because that air coming out of there is really hot take that for what it is i'll have more on that later let's talk about issue number one some people said that the second fire was tiny compared to the first fire it was just made of tiny little sticks and twigs i mean it ain't like everybody don't know when you put five logs on the fire it don't smoke but when you put that sex log on it smokes like a freight train you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying i know man that's what i'm saying he ain't even use a scientific method i like his style where'd you get them pants from some people said the second fire didn't smoke because it was lower in the pit as opposed to the first fire let's hear what jim bob had to say siri seriously has before fire sticking out well above the rim of the pit and after fire well below the pit and he calls it a comparison your contraption must suck or you would have been fair about the results you won't waste my time again do not recommend was made specifically for goofs like you oh jim bob he got his paintings in a wad big time to jim bob i say good day to you sir i'm going to show you why those guys and jim bob were wrong later on in the video a lot of you left really good suggestions in the comments about improvements that could be made so i want to go over those with you and tell you what i think i kind of wish i had done [Music] there you go coco come eat come on to allow the airflow in i removed three of the pavers out of the bottom ring and that left three big gaps which i think it works really well it lets in a lot of air there but i wasn't able to do it evenly because i didn't have the correct amount of bricks because i was using just the pavers that were already here some of the people mentioned that why didn't i just space them evenly and actually that's a great idea it just never occurred to me whenever i was filming to do that so that's actually really good pull out three or four of the pavers and then you can space the remaining ones and you know you can leave a smaller gap all the way around more evenly so that's a great idea another idea would be if this biting fly would just leave me alone because it's driving me nuts right now it was suggested that instead of drilling the holes around on the top of the fire ring just drop the fire ring down a few inches and let the air flow over the top of it and actually that's a fantastic idea too i think again i'm not a scientist so i don't know how that would affect anything but i think that would work basically the same the only reason that i had it all the way up and drilled the holes was so that i could set the cap on top of it and it would actually have that to rest on as well here's another tip and i think i mentioned this in the other video is that instead of using the these are the 11 and a half inch pavers stackable pavers i think they sell like an 8 inch one if you made your fire pit out of the eight inch ones and then bought the caps that are pre-made for the eleven and a half inch you wouldn't even have to make your own concrete tops for this and so there's just another huge time saver for you i use this fiberglass mesh to give it a little bit of extra strength instead of using rebar because i couldn't find any small rebar technically you probably don't even need any rebar or mesh in this i just did it as an extra precaution as far as the rebar goes though you could actually use hardware cloth or even chicken wire to go on the back of this those are very easy to find at a local hardware store to give my concrete texture i used baking soda and that's what gave it this really aged look some people didn't like that you know if you don't like that you don't have to do it but other people asked if you could use like ceiling um texture to throw into the mold or anything would that work i don't really know if that'll work or not i was in the precast concrete industry many many long time ago and this is what we used we use baking soda and water because you can give every piece its own individual texture it's easy to dissolve out of the concrete after it comes out of the form and any that's left in the form it's also easy to wash out another one of my favorite tips that was in the comments was to use black high heat spray paint to spray the fire ring with i think that's a great idea for a couple reasons one i'm just not really after having this for a little bit i'm not really thrilled with the silver inside there's just something about it that looks incomplete so i think this black spray paint will be great they actually have this is good to 1200 degrees they actually had a can right next to it that was up to 2000 degrees and don't ask me why i didn't buy that i just bought this one there's another reason you might want to spray yours and i'll get to that in just a second let's talk about the second most controversial subject about this smokeless fire pit okay and that is that the fire ring itself is galvanized several people commented how on how dangerous that was not really welders have to deal with that because they're using really high heat and i mean their faces are pretty close to what they're welding and when you do put high heat on galvanized metal it can put out noxious fumes and if you're not in a well-ventilated area and you breathe that in it can cause a cough and no long-term side effects welders drink milk to get rid of it i'm outside in this huge i mean can you get any more well ventilate

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