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How to Apply Tile Grout. Owner Builder Series: Episode 35.

thanks adhering up graphing the buffering wall so that bits are out there what's the consistency they might well you're looking at huge difference you just got one or two or two yeah on the floor doesn't matter as much because you know incredibly holds it in place yes yes well you probably wanted about this consistency and you've got a plastic what they might or a rubber flood that's why stick with a bit of sponge on there it's and yes punch squeezes it in some people use actual rubber squeegee yep basically all we want to know about crowding in the boughs for years when you have internal yeah basically you should really silicon them you ever seen the shell because if the wolves are gonna move the move separate event shut up yeah that will cry yeah and that's the plan you pretty much listen to really hope that you can take your time and yeah oh yeah and because we've got a dark color on the wall and the floor I will do the white today and the dock tomorrow but that isn't yet yeah you're doing bus on the same day that make believe he's one another cutter swiggity push it in and then knock it off yeah the whole wall to go across the joint okay and try and get it really when you claim you want a couple of buckets of water the first bucket will be just to wash all the excess residue off wash it all off yeah and then the next one or the next – if you really finicky is to just in one SWAT yeah so you've really got a fairly fairly long working time in this without them jelly yeah unless you're in direct someone yeah you pretty much will have an hour yeah which is plenty of time yep the colored ones are slightly different sometimes they go a little bit quicker because the oxide in Libya and the colored ones there's a bit more of a trick with meeting you I mix them really thoroughly otherwise you get dark and light patches yes right so as per usual when mixing the Greta stole the instructions on the packet yeah depending on the climate you can always add will taint you out of it add a bit of water or add a bit of powder yeah sort of like baking bread yeah just kid going to get the right consistency yeah and actually claim that the grad hot once it is dry it's pretty easy isn't it let's look at our the next day yeah yeah yeah if you've done if you've cleaned it up properly wash it off probably after grounding yep it'll be easy to get off if you sort of get a bit lazy and things become quite hard and you have to scratch it off all right okay so it's not too late too much on you yeah and then I look Tim is if you are live stone yeah before you grab your stone give it a pre seal one day yeah oh yeah okay you pretty much just roll it on yeah what off there and that sort of gives it a quick seal so that the oxide in my ground why is that's a stone model yeah can I do that yeah I believe that they're ten minutes and wipe it off yeah the oxide was something like a dozen concrete right okay before you turn your top of white and once it's inside the top you can actually get there so you print Syria tiles yep in the ground yet when you do these final see all over the chocolate is good stuff moment so basically a stone tile is um what's poorest poorest yeah and when you say Stine what sort of standing talking about marble and travertine and things like that okay slight not so much place if it won't be giving the same sound especially it's very porous okay and they cost so much that you really don't want to mess it up that through well that looks fantastic night and I'll let you finish that off yeah beautiful thanks man alright great is that dry basically it's a ring basically the face of the tile yeah and then after you've done that you go down the joints of the tile yeah and it will go smooth pretty quick unless you've left it a ridiculous amount of time that it started just you know okay it will come clean like that that tile there that's part of it yeah and I do have a trick for the corners a lot of Tata listing to not be able to get the grata yeah it's one of my wedges oh yeah the lexically just it's a nice sharp 90 degree angle it literally just cut all that off done beautiful this style the same they have a problem with getting it out of course is always a little bump there is always kind of say that clutch might get a bit closer that's it it's just a little wedge another way she'll table switch yeah or you could use the scraper or anything really yeah I think it just easy to handle hang on to and they'll give you a nice sharp edge mm-hmm beautiful what's it so basically it's got out of the wall mm-hmm quick over it so as you want you can be pretty proud to be pretty much just like that do too much at you just let the sponge through the work it just a little flat and the more times you change the water on the sponge now these are the planes of the finish of a okay next one so you do this once and then we'll come back a second time all yep I basically clean the joint yeah and cleaned off the tile yeah by the time I finish this room I'll come back with a fresh bucket of water yeah and just one swipe down the hole once why put the sponge over so it's a bit slower a second time yeah but that's getting it spotless yeah next one what I might keep stuck into it let's check more action to come on all right we'll come back for the falling down the top because you know if you go too long here it actually eats it out just stop yeah let's throw it in wash this part which okay beautiful watch out it'll wash your hair and for this one you want the sponge actually really dries I mean it can almost be completely dry yep and you'll see on the wall you'll know where you're up to because if you've left at the moment house it'll look a bit powder yeah basically alright thanks for that job well done so there you have it how to grout your wall and floor tiles well I hope you enjoyed and found that video useful and as per usual a big thumbs up is greatly appreciated and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button for more handy tips alrighty till the next one I'm Anna via cheese

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