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How to build a farmouse table for $68.40 (Part 1) Material list

well you know fast yeah it's got that big cookie ain't going that way and what do they call I tell them what that so that's what it means when they say crown up all right now I got four eight four two by tens punch and I stack them on the forest and you can see that these are not bent very much at all there's not much gaps in between them so seven eight four two by fours four eight-foot two by tims that we need to get a 1 by 4 that's 12 foot all right so we got the wood I got four eight foot two by tens seven eight foot two by fours and I want up going with to eight foot one by fours and I got a box of screws some two and a half inch screws exterior and the total of all this material from Lowe's was sixty eight dollars and forty cents so for six to eight dollars on forty cents and a little little work you can have yourself this table and that's what we're gonna build and I'm I teach y'all how to build this table and it's gonna come out excellent we got to turn this into this thanks for joining me I hope y'all enjoyed watching them watching me pick the wood out with my dad at Lowe's and it was six to eighty dollars and forty cents for everything that's really cheap people sell these tables I see them on marketplace all the time for four or five hundred bucks on face book marketplace this is going to be a three-step video maybe even for the first video is today just giving you all the materials to get so go out if you want to do this video with me do this project go out and get the wood get everything I just showed you that we need and the second video is we're going to cut every piece out and then in the third video and then I may take two videos to assemble it just append it I don't want the videos to be really long I wanted to kind of be quick and to the point and I'm gonna make this really easy so if you've never built anything before do not be intimidated if you got a miter saw in a drill and some wood glue in the wood and some screws will make it happen this is going to get you confidence up if you don't build things and you want to start building things this table is great this table will look great on your back porch the great and you look kitchen wherever you want to put a date y'all thanks for watching – have a great day [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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