How to Build a Planter Box – Easy DIY Project
now look here I don't know about you but I think most people in the world including myself well at some point in their life suffer from a Dicky back which can be a real pain when your planter boxes down low and you need to tend to your homes and veggies there it goes medic I need a medic now on the topic of Dicky backs and planter boxes two things two things number one what do you call an Egyptian spine manipulator a cairo practie sorry about that in number two with the planter boxes I'm going to help all of you out there with bad backs while building a raised mobile planter box out of scrap wood that's going to make tending to your plants and veggies that much easier let's do it get a folks uncle knackers here from DIY for knuckleheads now this is your first time here and you want to see more simple DIY projects like the one we're making today make sure you hit that subscribe button and click the notification bell that way you won't miss anything alrighty this planter box it's going to be awesome let's do it now in today's video I'm going to show you how to build this super simple raised garden bed or planter box out of these old hardwood fence palings which I've managed to salvage from a mate was pulling down your side fence and I'll be cutting these down to a width of 80 millimeters at a later stage now the hard wood fence paling is a great choice because it's durable and suitable for outdoor use it's a fence paling that's what it's for and the fact that it's been salvaged means that it's free and that's also pretty attractive but if you want to go the extra mile and the extra expense see that is probably the best you can get but for us this will do the job nicely now dimension wise for the planter box all I'm doing is dropping three of these plastic containers into that planter box frame only because I have three of these at home already so it's not going to cost me any more money so it ever size container you have you'll need to adjust the planter box frame to suit [Music] now if you haven't got a table saw don't panic you can still use your trusty old circular saw and all you need to do is to attach the saw guide that comes with the saw set it to your desired cutting width tighten it off and you're good to go and remember when doing this process make sure the saw is unplugged because you don't want to lose any of these cool [Music] and this is what we have after everything has been cut we have two panels for the ends and two panels for the sides but before we start assembling anything I just want to give the edges of these boards a little bit of an heiress or a bevel because right now it just looks a little flat and boring so we're adding an heiress or a bevel to those edges when the two boards meet up that should now look a little more interesting and just remember if you haven't got a hand playing it or something similar you don't have to do this if you don't want to okay the first step in the assembly process is that we need to nail these end panels together so just get the edges nice and straight nice and tight and then we'll simply nail these two pieces on like that and this is the inside of the planter box a bit of glue never goes astray and then just simply nail these on beautiful now you may also see that some of those nails have just popped through I'm not worried about that because of your leg going over the face of these boards so you're not going to see it and you can probably see better now after we eres those boards yeah that joint is now expressed and looks a bit better yeah I like it with the two ends and I finished all we need to do is to nail these side slats in place and bang Bob's your uncle how simple is that oh yeah and a good tip to keep these upright while all those actions are going on over here just to touch a couple of clamps down low and iqra' to go good stuff [Music] all righty that's the basic shell for the planter box all done but before we attach the legs and the capping I want to give this a really good sand looking good [Music] beautiful alrighty it's now time to cut the legs now I'm going for a very simple configuration I've just a couple of slats nailed together just like that too easy and the overall length of our legs is 740 millimeters [Music] to assemble the legs it's a really easy process all you need to do is to apply some glue to one edge lovely and then just simply nail the other one directly on top [Music] – easy now to attach the leg it's a piece of cake all you need to do is to apply some glue to that face and that face there and then just simply line the leg up flush with the top of the planter box drive in a couple of nails and bang you are done – easy lemon squeezy [Music] awesome now there's one more quick thing that I want to do to these chunkier legs and that is I want to get rid of the chunkiness and we'll do that by cutting a splay as you can see there so if we go in 45 millimeters from this edge make your mark and from the underside of the planter box and down 50 millimeters and make a mark and we'll cut along that line and that 45 millimeters that should be just enough so it can screw on some casters [Music] and on the end of the planter box instead of going in 45 millimeters we're going in 60 millimeters still 50 from there but down here we're going in 60 from the outside edge [Music] the next thing we need to do is to glue and nail a stick of timber to the inside of the planter box and this is where the lip of the plastic container is going to sit on [Music] [Applause] beautiful now before you install the containers you'll also need to add this support in the center which will help stabilize those slats all right the next job on the agenda is to attach these lockable casters now make sure you pre-drill the holes first before driving in your screws because you don't want to split the wood [Music] what a little Ripper stay with me folks we're almost there all I'm doing now is adding a bead to the inside edge of that top slat and that will just give us a bit more width to nail our cabin into and just be aware don't make this piece too wide otherwise your plastic containers won't fit in now as you can see those plastic containers are now in place and it looks fantastic now all I want to do is to add some capping around the top just like about [Music] now as you can probably see with these endcaps I've left a bit of a gap with a play there I just think it looks a bit better and also if they're different thicknesses you won't notice it as much and I think when we get to the edge here I'll hand nail rather than gun nail that way it will be less chance of this splitting what I think that was a bit too close to the edge just a few seconds ago you saw me cutting those grooves in those palings I'll cut those to the width of the planter box and then mailed them underneath and now we have somewhere for a drip tray to slide in and out off which is really handy but it does look a bit ugly so all I've done is I've cut a