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How to Build a Privacy Wall. EASY DIY Project!

now look I know clotheslines aren't the most sexiest things going around and this hours how embarrassing slack absolutely I'm hopeless gotta get on to it do you like it I'll sell it here but they are a necessity and as was evident from that last shot in the last 18 months since we've moved into this house I am yet to install a clothesline a bit naughty but that's not the purpose of today's video today's video I'd like to show you how to install a recycled timber screen to go behind the clothesline to one support the clothesline and two to make that whole area look a little bit sexier alrighty get a folks my name's uncle knackers and you're watching DIY for knuckleheads let's do this okay the first job is to install three metal galvanized posts one two and three the two outside posts they're there to attach it I'll fall down clothesline – and they won't in the center here that's there to help support the weight of that recycled timber screen good stuff now this is the recycled material that we'll be using for our screen it's old hardwood and I'm really excited to be using it because these are old boards here are actually the old floorboards that I managed to salvage when we demolished our bungalow in the backyard a couple of years ago so it's going to be really nice to be recycling it I've given all the boards a good sand and also cut them up into a couple of different widths just to add a bit of interest I need to hang these boards I've got treated pine here which will make a frame out of and then bolt that frame to those reach to your posts in the backyard all right let's stop mucking around and build that frame [Music] now just a quick tip before we now this frame together it's always a good idea especially on our door jobs that you give the cut ends a bit of a hit with a timber treatment or a timber preservative that way you'll get much longer life out of your timber a good idea to easy now like I said before we're using treated pine for the frame now the bottom plate and the top plate I'm using 70 millimetres of 535 millimeters which is three inch by one and a half inch and for the studs I'm using 70 millimeters a 545 millimeters which is three inches by two inches don't you just love a good nail gun it makes it so much easier okay that's good the frames now built now all we have to do is to pick it up and then bolt it to those three metal galvanized posts once it's up there then I'll run around noggins through the center of the frame let's do it because I'm doing this job myself it's a bit difficult to get that bit timber frame and bolt it up against the steel posts especially when the frame is up and off the ground so to make it easier all I've done is I've leveled a line across the bottom of those three posts where I want the bottom of the frame to sit and then this cut some supports that line up with that level line and go down to the concrete footing just there and then all I need to do is to get the frame place it on top of those supports which takes all the weight and that makes it easy for me to maneuver that frame around getting it in the right spot so I can bolt it in place good tip okay let's get this frame up we put it on those supports end up hang on a second fell off I think I must support like that and then clamp it in place to easy what I tell you okay the bottom of that frame is now in the right spot so all I need to do is to drill a hole through the frame through the steel post and bolt the whole thing together once the bottom row is done then I'll plumb up that frame and do the same to the top so first of all I'll just can't a sinking a hole here and then draw a hole through the timber and this deal okay now all we have to do is to tap that bolt in and then do upped enough and we're done once you finish that do the rest of that run plumb the frame and then bolt the top off beautiful okay I just need to get this frame plumb and then I'll bolt the top [Music] spot-on okay so all you need to do now is put that bolt in and do it up and don't drop the spa over the fence what that's close done okay the frames up and it's looking really good and we're on track and the next job we need to do is to install these noggins through the center of that framework and the purpose for the noggin is to stiffen the frame to stop those studs from twisting around once these are in then I'm going to paint the whole thing black yep black with this exterior grade self priming paint and the reason for the paint is twofold first of all I want to protect that framework to make it last a bit longer and I'm painting it black because between the slats I want to see a black strip so hopefully it's gonna turn out okay let's give it a go [Music] now whenever you find yourself installing noggins it's always good to stagger them that way it makes it so much easier to get a nail directly into the end of that noggin [Music] now onto that black paint I always paint my outdoor timber structures whether it be with a paint or an oil varnish I think it's a really good idea because it helps them preserve that timber a lot of people can't be bothered but I highly recommend it and that is the painting all done and it looks really good and the Timbers well protected now all I need to do is to let that dry and then come back and start installing those recycled hardwood timber slats too easy now what I'm doing here is I'm adding a picture frame to the outside of the screen and the reason for that is that the picture frame just gives a bit of depth so it just makes that screen a bit more interesting I like it okay so there you have it the screen has now had a picture frame put right around all four sides and before we start to install these slats I just want to give the inside of the picture frame where the slats are going to sit a good couple of coats with a good quality clear satin varnish in a reason for that is that I want to protect this timber for as long as possible and once these let's go on I'm not going to be able to apply that varnish right on the inside edge there so now's a great time before slats are installed to get that job done beauty now don't be shy with the varnish either the more you can get in there the better protection you're going to have so slop it in there alright it's about time but we can now finally start installing these slats and when I do I always make sure that around the edges I always leave the width of a three inch nail and that way no water pulls up between those two surfaces which will prolong the life of that structure initially when installing the slack to the frame all I'm using is a single nail from my now gun and the reason for that is that I'm going to come back later and screw that slat to the frame and I don't want the face of that board covered in nails because that may get in the way of the screws also when you start make sure you use a string line you want that first board to go on beautiful and straight that way or subsequent boards should foll

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