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How to Cut a Straight Line with a Jigsaw | Basics

in today's skill builder we're practicing short straight cuts and notch cuts with the jigsaw let me show you what you're going to need what I've got is a piece of one by four that I've made one-inch lines all the way down the length of the board first without the X and then I went back and marked every other one with the X so the X is where we're gonna make our notch with each X we're going to be able to get first a straight cut actually two straight cuts and then our knotch on this particular board are going to have a chance to do it 14 times so a lot of practice I've simply done this with a pencil in my speed square now that you know what you need all you got to do is put some music on and get your practice on let's go I want to stop for a real quick second because I want to show you what my thumb is doing to help guide the bass or the shoe of this to make a straight line take a look so what I do is I actually use my thumb as a guide I plant my thumb on the wood line up the blade and then I slide the shoe along my thumb creating a really straight cut this is what this looks like and as you can see it's a really perfect cut so let's go and cut for these notches out here I'm simply nibbling away at the material just enough to get the blade to turn the corner then once the piece drops free I can go back and clean up any saw marks all right there's one well there's four of them done with you you got another at least tend to go on your own and I think they turned out pretty well also if you missed the basics video that I did for the jigsaw I'll leave a link in the notes section below or you can just click up here on the top of the video thanks for joining me today be well stay safe and I'll see you in the next one

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