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How to frame a Gable roof . Full demonstration on layout, cut, and assembly.

and now we're going to show you how to cut a gable roof the couple valleys and then cut a California on top of some existing rafters that make a valley this roof here on our diagram consists of a ridge running from outside this wall all the way through the outside of this wall consists of a ridge coming in and meeting two valleys which will house some rafters stack up two and we have the same thing on the other side but this one's going to be a California where we stack over common rafters to create a valley and we'll show you how to do each of these in this cable roof so why don't we go ahead and get started we'll show you how to do that this roof now we're going to show you how to lay out for a gable roof which has a couple valleys in it on one side and just has California on the other on this first side all you do is you pull a two-foot layout straight on through and when you come to where your valleys a mark that you just don't layout anything in between one Valley and the other Valley because we're gonna have a couple common rafters coming up that's the opposite gable with gable studs in it so we just bought out and we just pull it on two foot Center and we just pull straight on through the end but on the opposite side we're going to show you how to cut a California this means you have to stack your rafters at two foot centers all the way through all the way through because we're gonna stack a roof on top of the common rafters on the main span so we just pull that two foot layout all the way through go just finished laying out for our our gable roof for our rafters but there's one more thing we need to do we need to take our span so we can figure out the length of what our common rafters will be our span will be ten foot one so why don't we go find out the lengths of our rafters and cut them now we've racked our hollow rafters for our gable roof for our common rafters and when we're gang cutting like one of the simplest roofs you can gain cut on without using a swing table or saw with a dado blade in it there's a 12 and 12 pitch and what we're going to do is we're gonna square cross one in for plum mark and since it's gonna be a two inches to be where my level cut is gonna come out of my cut I'll go ahead and mark the other side of mine square on the two inch blade side reason I say this it's a 12 and 12 pitch if my plum cut is an inch and a half deep which are going on this house and we come out on our level cut the distance from the level cut and this plum cut is 2 inches now we've done that let's go ahead and tape out for our rafters after I established these two marks even before I start cutting I'm gonna go ahead and tape out for the rafter and this Banat 7-foot 5/8 own inch [Music] once I have this established if I'm dealing with a long rack of rafters usually I use a chalk line I'll snap it but since I'm dealing with such a short run of rafters here I usually just use my framing square draw a line from mark to mark and before I the next step before I actually break my bundle and start marking my rafters we need to cut this in first before we get any movement in our rafters to our lines don't change [Music] and we just make one pass with our saw this way and this sup and this roof is on a twelve and twelve as I explained earlier so we just turn our saw on a 45 degree angle let me come back the other way [Applause] [Music] [Music] this makes for a nice fast cut again if you're dealing with different pitches you can use the saw to make a pass and then use your swing table which is the saw it turns on a 90 degree or might only turn up to about a 65 or 70 degree depending what table you have on it and make this other pass now we'll go ahead and go down to the end and Mark our plumb cuts that meet our ridge [Applause] [Applause] if you simply follow simple principles on cutting your common rafters for hip roughs common roofs gambrel roof shed roofs all your common rafters you can cut this is one way you can cut it with a little extra speed and save a little time on cutting your rafters to valleys that are in this gable roof and we're going to show you the most efficient way to cut these the best way is using your framing square since we're dealing with valleys valleys run on a 17 inch run to 12-inch rise so we said our square at 12 and 17 on the body part and on the inch and a half part here are marked both sides of my square go ahead and do it to the other one the reason for this saves you time from flipping your board over from one one side the other please take our saw turn on a 45-degree angle we always cut our outside line first [Applause] [Music] and coming back the opposite way we cut our other line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and once I've done this all my points reason always get my points because I like that book my tape on the point and I just go ahead and mark my measurement what's that mark my measurement I go ahead and give my my pattern and I make two marks since I'm gonna bobtail these tails the reason for this I'm dealing with an inch and a half piece of wood and I'm a 45 this back at an angle and come back out but to establish coming down on my level cut which is three and five-eighths I need to mark this outside one because that's where the point of my valley will be at the end after marking my three and five-eighths I just put my squaring and do my level cut one kinase I like to make my level cut first I come back turn my saw on a 45 degree angle and they cut my second line back once I do that I go ahead and flip my board over and grab my framing square and just go ahead and mark an inch and a half back and come back and for the 45 degree angle cut the opposite way this way he comes to the true point of my true measurement where I made my mark earlier from my inside line but my true length mark is on this point where I measured over three quarters of an inch later so I can establish this 45 degree point let's how you do a bob-tailed Valley or a bob-tailed hip you know we got the rafters laid out for our Skelton we're gonna go ahead and start stacking first of all for we start stacking what I like to do on a gable is give me a give me a pole on the end that will keep my Ridge from swaying back and forth and this will tie me in when I do I just nailed it in the wall and let my rafter come right against it and this will keep keep it from moving back and forth when I start stacking a gable start stacking skiable I want to start stacking my common rafters on the end these cuts here on this common rafter here for what we call outriggers to go out to hold our sub barge later which we'll show you about later on next step once I get that end up what I want to do next is stack a rafter since my Ridge has a splice in it back here to this one so to hold my region place before I touched my the extension on my Ridge but if you what if you had a ridge that could run from one end to the next then you just go ahead and pull up your two common rafter

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