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How to frame a hip roof. Full demonstration of layout, cuts, and assembling

here we have a diagram of our first roof that we're going to cut in the symbol it is a full hip roof and I'd like to identify the different parts of this roof and what we did we use different colors to identify these parts our blue is our Ridge that's going to be running in the center our green is our common full-length common rafters and this is our engine Ridge common and a red is a hip coming from the outside corner up to the peak now like splaining on how we figure the length of our rafters you simply pull the span what we called the spans from outside this wall to outside this wall and you look up in your rafter book after you find your span to get the length of your rafters and all you need is this one span to get the length of your common rafters and to get the length of your hip rafter now what we do to figure out how we find where to put this into Ridge common what we do is we look after we've taken our span if it's 10 foot we come back half that distance which would be 5 foot and that'll be center of your rafter and then we pull hook on the outside coming this way we pull the same measurement which is 5 foot and that'll be Center of this common rafter and and to get the length of our ridge what we do is we do the same thing on this end we come five foot to this center of this rafter and five foot here because both ends are the exact same thing and after you find the center your rafters what you do is you hook on from outside this rafter to outside this rafter and that'll give you the length that you need to cut your full length Ridge at and why don't we go ahead and let's start assembling this roof and we'll show you how these parts go together now I'd like to show you how to layout and mark your plates for this hip roof what we do is first thing we need to know if we take our span which is ten foot one so half of 10 foot want to be 5 foot 1/2 inch that be the center of my end of Ridge common and what I need to do is I need to come to these come the other way and Mark the same thing 5 foot 1/2 inch for my other common rafter that comes up to my Ridge the reason I'm doing that is this makes a complete perfect 90 and my hip will fit on a 45 degree angle in between that 90 and so we have to go to the other side and do the exact same thing pull 5 foot 1/2 inch and that'll be the center of the other common rafter and we do the exact same thing on the other end of the building once I have those marks established for my jack rafters we're working on two foot centers i hook onto my common rafter and I pull two foot and just two foot centers four foot and so on and for my other rafters we do the exact same thing we just hook on our common rafter you pull the two-foot layout straight on across and that's the basic principles of laying out for a hip roof maybe just follow these simple easy principles every hip roof will be pretty much the same on how you lay it out we racked out our common rafters for our hip roof so let's go ahead and show you how to cut these we just get our framing square run along the side to make our first mark for our plumcot that we're gonna cut with our skill saw and we're just leaving a little overhang on here because this is just a model we're showing you how to do but if you're getting ready to do this you'd want to make sure that give your plans call for a two foot overhang on your house to make sure you have at least two foot before you come to your plumb mark that you can ascribe to cut out your rafters just measure over for other salt cut that we're gonna make then we'll just go ahead and make a mark for our plum cuts measure up to where our plum cut will be go ahead and just draw a line again before we start making our plum cuts on this end we always want to cut out our bird's mouth and our level cut before we do any movement and our rafters you start on a 45 because again we're cutting at 12 and 12 pitch roof and that is that's a degree that the roof has [Music] [Applause] the next we just get our pattern and scribe for our plum cuts on the mark that we drew earlier we just line up our short point we store our line well we got our Commons have our Commons cut the only thing left to cut on this is our Jack rafters aren't hips let's so you know that's done best way to do it is coming up on our plumb cut that'll meet up at our ridge is we set our framing square on a 12 and 17 because we disrupt on a 12 and 12 but your hips and valleys have a 17 inch run to a 12 inch rise because it's traveling at a 45 degree angle three hips we we set that on a 12 and 17 and we mark our plumb cut and what I like to do is since my stock my woods an inch and a half inch thick our mark two lines on here so I can get a perfect point on my hip without flipping my board over let me show you how it's done term I saw on a 45-degree angle and I always cut my outside line first then come back the opposite way I cut my inside line by doing this this way I wind up with a perfect point that'll fit in between my two King Commons next I'll go ahead and pull for my leg put a plum mark here also not 12 and 17 what I have here is my common rafter is on a lot steeper angle because it's on a 12 and 12 and it's running straight up to my ridge while my hip is running at a 45 degree angle that means my plumb mark on my comm and it's a lot steeper and on my hip is a lot shallower so what I have to do find out what my level cut is I'm a hip I have to measure down to my bird's mouth the top of my rafter down my bird's mouth I have three and three eights so I need to do is come over I measure down three and three eighths on my line on my hip once I make that mark I usually take my square and following my plumb mark I go ahead mark my level cut once I do that I have an inch and a half seat cut on my common rafter so I'm going to mark down for my level cut an inch and a half and hooking on here I see I have four and a sixteenth to that mark so I come down I mark four and a sixteenth down here because this is where I'm gonna rip my tail down I draw a line on these two marks let's go ahead and cut that I'll show you what it looks like by following these certain steps that I show you by measuring down on your plumb marks on your common and then measuring down on your hip this way when we set our hip up and our common rafter up the tops of our rafters will plane and also the bottoms of our rafters our plane after this is in place we're ready to start cutting our jack rafters for a hip roof and remember where our span is ten foot one and half that distance is five foot 1/2 inch that's why in to reg king common sits and that leaves us on a two foot step down that only leaves us for two jack rafters that we need that sits on each side of the hip so that's the reason we only have two rafters here the first thing I do is I always mark out for my plumb and level cut and after this I mark out for my first Jack Raptor but my first Jack rafter is going to be two foot nine and seven eighths shorte

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