How to use and understand your miter saw to cut angles
welcome to sawdust and wood today we're gonna go over cutting angles again but those of you who are still not understanding how to do this we're gonna break it down we're gonna cut some angles on the salt and we use my angle finder to show you that the numbers on the saw are not representative of the angles that it actually cuts on the wood let's get start for those of you who haven't watched advance – salt techniques please go watch that video the link is in the description and I'm going to elaborate on that video here alright so the miter saw is as zero and if you just watch advanced miter saw techniques you know that zero is really a right angle it's 90 degrees and then you know that 10 is actually 80 and so on and so on so let's take our song and I've set it to 40 let's get it on 40 lock it down now a lot of people think that this is a 40 degree angle so I'm gonna cut this piece of wood and then we're gonna put the angle finder on and see what angle it gives us all right so we're gonna cut miter saw set at 40 all right so the miter saw was set at 40 and it actually cut a 50 degree angle all right we're gonna do one more example let's set the saw to 20 and see what angle he gets us when we cut it all right the miter saw set to 20 let's go ahead and make this let's see what angle all right it's showing me it's a 70 degree angle so the saw was set at 20 and actually cut a 70 degree angle all right so let's recap the video the first example I did I said to – salt of 40 and it actually cut a 50 degree angle 50 plus 40 equals 90 example 2 I said to miter saw to 20 and it actually cut a 70 degree angle and 70 plus 20 equals 90 so if you watch advanced miter saw techniques you know this is how I read a miter saw zero is 90 degrees and this is the scale system I use like if you set the saw to 30 it'll actually cut a 60 degree angle if the saw is set to 10 that's going to actually cut an 80 degree angle and these two numbers are always going to equal 90 so for instance if you were just gonna set your saw to 20 you could think to yourself 90 minus 20 is 70 so that's the angle it's going to cut same here 90 minus 30 is 60 that's staying where you're gonna cut so just want to go over this with everybody it's kind of just a another load bitten piece on my miter saw videos an angle cutting hope everybody enjoyed it thanks for watching I hope everybody learned how to cut angles today and I hope everybody understands a miter saw please leave any questions or comments down below thanks for watching please like and subscribe [Music]