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How to wrap an extension cord

welcome to sawdust and wood today today I'm going to teach you how to roll an extension cord up let's get started with this forward here all balled up I grabbed it at the two ends I gotta plug together I can just pull it and unwrap it now my board is unwrapped now let me show you how I just did this alright so the first thing you want to do is on tank we do poured completely get all the knots out of it get the male of female and plug it together let's go all the way to do the cord you're going to find the middle of your cord the middle of you forward now make the loop through the cord just like this you around you think man fold it over catch it with your left hand pull it through fold it over catch you at your left hand pull it through you see keep blinking the chain like this the extension cord all week and you've done you all accord up when you get ready to unwrap it you just grab it here and just pull it and it just comes apart it's that easy alright I'm gonna wrap it one more time I'm in the middle of the court start just like this make a loop hold your hand here fold it back grab this piece through get your loop I'm holding this with my left hand I'm gonna grab under here just like a chain link grab it with my left hand pull that through right hand took my left and wrapping it this way your core would never get tangled up on you and it's always quick and easy to take apart when you get to the job site or whenever you need it or on your house thanks for watching I hope you learn how to roll an extension cord please like and subscribe any questions or comments please put them below thanks for watching [Music]

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