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I Found The Cure! You Need To See This!

friends do you own a cargo trailer a travel trailer a converted cargo trailer to a camper trailer or perhaps you even own a caravan today i'd like to speak with you about an affliction that may be affecting you or someone you love a condition known as farts yes farts fear and anxiety of recreational trailer theft syndrome farts can affect you anytime and without notice [Music] oh still there trailer owners who suffer from farts can even sometimes be shunned by their own family members [Music] what i'm sorry uh i'm just worried about the trailer getting stolen guys i mean it can happen to anyone often the support of a spouse can help greatly when dealing with farts [Music] adam what's wrong nothing is it your farts yes [Music] do you want me to pull it if you don't mind [Music] just just around the corner where i can still see it all the time thanks babe you're the best anytime babe anything to help you get rid of your farts if you suffer from farts i have good news introducing triloxican triloxican contains 90 percent numeritol helping ensure your trailer theft fears are a thing of the past taken just thrice daily triloxican can help provide fast effective relief from farts triloxican may not be for everyone side effects from triloxian may include dry mouth loose stool trouble standing trouble sitting sudden affection for flannel shirts excessive belly button hairy arms sweaty palms back knee crossed eyes bad acting poor vocabulary childish sense of humor weird dreams like really consult your doctor or local dot to find out if triloxican can work for you and that friends i'm pretty sure with some of the finest acting you'll see today on my channel kim was a little stiff but i digress i really do want to talk to you today about trailer security and keeping your trailer from getting stolen because i mean it happens all the time when we first got our trailer uh three years ago about three years ago and maybe coming up on four years we ordered it because i didn't have room for an office at the house and so we custom ordered this trailer that you've seen in the previous videos ordered the air conditioning windows and lots of outlets and everything and i ordered it to the size i needed to fit in my driveway we lived in a small neighborhood on a small lot short driveway so the trailer was as long as it could be and still fit in the driveway and it was facing the front of the road so i was really concerned about the trailer being stolen at night so i mean somebody could have pulled up in 30 seconds had it attached and and gone with it so i did a lot of research on the best locks to use and everything and what i came up with was this system from proven industries i think they just call them proven locks now i don't know if they change the name of the company or what but it's a really cool system i found that this was really useful too because what's cool is the it's a puck lock system and this steel enclosure goes over the coupler on your trailer and i'll show you how this works in just a second and then this puck uh lock slides in here and there's basically nowhere for anybody to cut anything on the lock specifically i mean it would take a lot of work to get to this if you've never had the pleasure of evacuating for a hurricane let me enlighten you just a little bit we've had to do it three times in the last four years i think it is and 20 years before that never had to evacuate the first year we didn't have the trailer second year we had the trailer and basically what you do is you take everything that means the most in the world to you anything sentimental or anything you would need for work like for the youtube channel i had to take my computers and everything cameras and then you also want to take spare food and everything now if if you're not fortunate enough to have a trailer load all that stuff into or a truck you just take what you can in the back of your trunk but if you have something like a truck or a trailer to load everything into you you pretty much tend to take almost everything you can and then you have the joy of if you're staying in a hotel if you can find a hotel room you have the joy of staying up all night hoping that nobody breaks into your trailer and takes you know you take everything that means the most to you you take it with you so that you avoid being destroyed in the hurricane and then you have to worry every night and every day you can't leave the trailer hoping that nobody breaks into the trailer at night or nobody steals your trailer so this is a big part of the security that gave me a lot of peace of mind with the trailer uh was this system from like i said you can either call it proven industries or proven locks what's really cool is the same puck lock that goes into the coupler lock housing is what is used to lock your trailer doors so it keeps it really it's just a really cool system that they thought of here and as you can tell once this is on there i mean there's there's nowhere for you to cut i mean if you had a lot of time you could cut this off obviously but nobody's going to come up here with bolt cutters and pop this lock off and get into the back of your trailer plus i mean this one's been out here for the anodized aluminum is really uh i love the way it looks um it's just real clean looking this has been on here for you know three years and uh it's just still in great shape let me take a closer look at this just so you can see a little bit better what's going on here the housing for the coupler lock is i think it's quarter inch steel yeah quarter inch steel for the for the surround for the housing and 3 16 for the the plate that goes in it then you've got this aluminum puck lock with the brass key key lock slide lock that goes up in here i'll show you this up close i'm going to check back on this and see how much of this is actually in focus if you missed the video if you've missed a couple of videos recently when my camera got knocked over and my monitor got busted so i've sent that back off to atomos and i'm getting that repaired but i'll be probably a month before i get it back so i have no idea i have no screen to look at when i'm filming so hopefully this is all in focus but anyway here's the puck lock and you can see uh anodized aluminum looks really sharp here's the key part i did get out here in the uh blinding light of the sun to show you just how quickly this whole system goes together like i said you just put the um chains on the base plate here fit it up into the coupler and then fight with the coupler there to make sure that all locks down you know not counting fighting with your uh trailer to get everything up in there this takes less than a minute to assemble everything once you've got the plate up in there you just slide the housing over that and you can see how it's got the cutout at the top to fit over everything and you just put the puck lock inside it shoes are done i've had this for three years and it has held

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