Is This Really The Most Useful Prepper Tool?
well here I am yet again preparing for a potential hurricane or tropical storm impact we're usually pretty lucky here staying just outside of the major danger zone but you never know Honestly though it's such a part of life around here anymore that we generally don't have any last minute drastic Preps that we have to take care of I thought it was the perfect time though to talk about one of the tools that lets us stay ready whether you're worried about natural disasters man-made disasters or the zombie apocalypse this is an invaluable part of a prepping Arsenal if you guessed Glock 19 or ddm4 V7 you're wrong sorry but I like the way you think it's actually our freeze dryer and today I'm going to go over the pros and cons of a freeze dryer how we use ours and what I believe is the secret to getting the most bang for your buck out of a freeze dryer and I'll also answer the question of whether I think they are worth the price you know what I'm not going to make you wait for it they are totally worth it I freaking love this thing by the way I paid full price for this freeze dryer and Harvest Right the maker of this freeze dryer has nothing to do with this video in fact I paid full price almost two years ago and they are an even better deal today because of upgrades what is freeze drying quite simply it's a process in which water in the form of ice under low pressure is removed from a material by my sublimation uh yeah even simpler it's when you deep freeze food put it in a vacuum chamber and then as it forms the moisture evaporates out of the food sublimation freeze drying was actually invented by Jacques or san de awesome French dude in 1906. you know what the French call Liz incon it became popular industrially in the 1950s one of the most common ways that you're probably familiar with it is pre-packed camping or survival food and my personal favorite astronaut ice cream you can freeze dry just about any food it doesn't work on fatty foods like bacon though you can even freeze dry raw uncooked meat and store it at room temperature we actually freeze dry a lot of fruit to eat as snacks oh look at that okay let's get them out oranges bananas strawberries watermelon pineapple Apple's green apples with and without peel like these apples super good I'd love to show you some of the bananas but unfortunately we can never get those packaged before the girls and myself eat them all because they're so freaking good it pretty much turns pineapples into candy and when we first got the freeze dryer we actually freeze dried a bunch of ice cream just to see what happened results May Vary it worked though we also tried candy people actually sell freeze-dried Skittles online because they puff up that's crazy even crazier is that people actually buy unsealed candy from strangers online Skittles are poison anyway so don't eat them either way that's all the fun stuff though if you want to get serious you can freeze dry food like milk eggs which I've shown a couple of times on here and you can freeze dry onions and make onion powder freeze-dried veggies for Soups when we first got the freezer out of the plan was to make a bunch of meals is that what this is that turned out to be time consuming and expensive then we figured out the secret to maximum efficiency that's right baby leftovers my thinking was that everyone needed to eat the same food for every meal but obviously that's not necessary everyone just needs food for every meal by freeze drying leftovers we have no wasted food and we can stock up on bug out camping and emergency food but what I want to do is see kind of what we've got in here just just a small sampling and uh let's rehydrate and taste some of this we got some sweet and sour chicken with rice Kim always marks on here for how many that's for two this is from January of this year chili for one to two that's from November of last year rice and cube steak for two to four I don't know looks like for one if it's going by just me uh but actually it'll expand this is from October of last year sweet potato souffle for two this is from this is this is leftovers from last Thanksgiving because this is uh 12 to 21. so that's definitely what that hey can we could just reheat this for this Thanksgiving hashtag winning uh I can't believe I just said hashtag are you there leave there we'll be there one of the ways you can tell if it's still good obviously if it's still sealed foreign if you can crunch it like that [Applause] feels hard and crispy that means that there's no moisture in there if it feels squishy which none of these do don't eat that mess okay because uh it ain't no good let's go with the sweetens that was loud let's go to the sweet and sour chicken first drum roll please [Music] [Applause] oxygen absorber it's like light as a feather should have taste the chicken yeah yeah well I mean stop stop that it has a bad flavor let's add some water let's try the rice and cube steak sweet potato souffle oh look at there there's the marshmallow oh I should have filled the bag with water instead because then it would have been in there be sure to keep an eye on the reconstitution going on over there while I tell you about green Chef by the way today we're having shrimp and butternut squash hash sounds delicious green Chef is a ccof certified organic company they have options for every lifestyle keto paleo vegan vegetarian fast and fit Mediterranean and gluten-free now while we try to be a self-reliant as possible we do also stay crazy busy making these videos so Doorstep Delivery gives us a reprieve and allows us to skip the grocery store which I hate going to the pre-portioned ingredients and pre-made Salsas make cooking fast and easy even for an idiot like me it's important to us that our girls eat good healthy food and these meals support a healthy lifestyle and bonus they are freaking delicious and because you hacks Maniacs are so awesome you can use my code paxman599 to get 5.99 per meal on your first box plus free shipping on your first box go to for more details I'll put a link in the description below hmm as per usual amazing what is this right here cube steak and rice which is really kind of just gravy and rice sweet potato souffle and sweet and sour chicken and rice taste test yeah here's your fort yeah which one are you gonna try first sweet and sour chicken oh let me point out as you may have noticed in the sweet and sour chicken I had to pull the chicken out and put it in some water so that it could actually soak up more water reconstitute reconstitute I had reconstituted it I'm just gonna try the rice by itself first I'm going in for a whole bite not bad it's not great it doesn't taste like you just made it I remember I have a little more flavor so the water probably does take out some of the flavor flavor sweet potatoes souffle this one's for two pretty sweet you probably still use a little salt on it or something bruh you don't put salt in there but the c