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Kicker Ramp for Beginners. AWESOME!

it was just one of those things when I was a kid growing up all of my mates including myself would spend a lot of time building ramps for us to jump stuff on our bikes which was normally just a configuration of a couple of dodgy old bricks and a plank of wood what could possibly go wrong my ten-year-old son is going through that phase right now he saved up all his money and he's bought himself a nice-looking read so I think now is the perfect time to up the ante just a little and make a video to show you guys how to make a really cool-looking kick around that's a classic simple lightweight and perfect for the beginner I might even have a crack at using it myself mm-hmm maybe not I don't bounce off the ground like I used to see told you I don't bounce that shoulder it's still giving me grief now the kicker app is going to be made out of plywood I've got this massive sheet here which is way too big for what we actually need but it's all I could lay my hands on now I'm not going to bore you with all the details of the sizes dimensions tools you'll need and stuff like that I'll list all of those down below so you can check those out at your own leisure if you need to and if you entered my last competition in my last video where you can win one of these cracking little stud pop stud finders I'll be drawing a winner a bit later on in this video so make sure you stick around for that one it could be the winner the first job we need the tackle is we need to cut the sides for the kicker and to do that we're using the entire width of this sheet which is 1200 millimetres or 4 feet wide and the overall height of the kicker from the bottom to the top is going to be 300 millimetres or 12 inches right so we know that the height of your kicker is 300 millimetres or 12 inches from the bottom to the top so if we can hook a tape over the end of a sheet and run that out until we get to thee let's have a look the 1 meter line which is just under thirty nine and a half inches now if we can place a mark on that line just there that's going to be the highest point of the ramp and from that pencil mark we then draw a straight line back to the corner of our sheet and that's called the lay back and what that does is it stops the ramp from coming forward after you hit it so it gives a ramp a bit of stability and for the record from that point to the edge of this sheet in a straight line is 200 millimetres which is about abby's left leg or a fly's fart under eight inches now the next step is probably the most critical of the whole build and that's to make the curve for our ramp the wraps not going to be straight it's going to have the curve on it which is why it's called a kicker and now to make the curve for the ramp you need to find something flexible so if you can lay your hands on something like this 3/4 inch PVC piping that works really well or even some 10 a trim like this stuff here that's also nice and bendy so really any of those two will do the trick nicely now to make the curve we need to do this I'll be using the PVC piping and remember that mark right there the highest part of our ramp I want you to drive in a screw right there just like that to easy and then get your PVC pipe place it hard up against it and then drive in another screw just there just like that now down to the other end now on the pointy end of the kicker or the very front of the kick out of come back 40 millimeters or about an inch and a half and I've driven in that screw and the reason for that is that we can place our conduit hard up against it and then manipulate it to make our curve now the reason for it being there and not on the point what you'd expect is that if we did that we'll finish up with this nasty lip that you need to contend with as you approach the ramp so by having the kanjou against that screw that transition becomes a little less severe now of course if you have a planer you can always back that bottom edge off which is what I'll probably do but if you don't have one don't panic it'll still work now if the conduit hard up against that screw down there and then between the two screws up here we can now manipulate it to make our curve now remember this is a beginners ramp so we don't want that curve to be so severe that we finish up maybe in the keys because after all this is about building up their confidence so I'm going to play around with this until I find the perfect curve and then I love simply driving a screw which will hold that conduit in place and then you can just simply mark it with your pencil to easy [Music] all right I reckon that looks pretty good with everything now marked out it's time to cut those sides now for this curb section you'll need a jigsaw for that job and put a laid back down this end you can either use your jigsaw but personally I'm using my circular saw because I can cut straight out with that one but if you don't have a circular saw don't worry about it just use the LG [Music] now can I just say when using a jigsaw the trick is just to take your time breathe nice and slowly and just follow that line [Music] [Music] so there you have it that's that side cut now all you need to do is to spin that around and we use this as a template for the second side now you'll also notice that I've marked a line across here just simply line this up with that line and then just trace around it and cut it out too easy now you'll also notice that I'm trying to use as little material as possible that way down the track I'll have enough left over to build another ramp if I need to now just a quick tip before we go any further when we're cutting out that bottom edge on the second side which is that line now even or that one to get a nice straight title simply use a level or a straight piece of wood and you can clamp that down on either end and then run those bits of the saw which is that bit there up against the edge of the level and it will produce a nice straight line and also to stop any bearing or potential burning when you're cutting ply if you can put the level against that line just like that and then with a stanley knife or a utility knife just give that a really good score and that will break the grain and hopefully prevent some of that burning but if you don't want to do that that [Music] now after that last cut you can see that because we scored it with a utility knife or a Stanley knife this very little bearing which is unusual for plywood because it normally bears like this no tomorrow so that's really good as it gives a much nicer finish since we're talking about bikes and all sort of stuff just a quick side note I was having a bit of a winds yell a day to one neighbor I bet here my dog will chase anyone on a bicycle yeah yeah true story so you asked me what I was doing about it and I told him that I had to take away his bike get it is it is a dog that rides a bike and chases people on it so it's it's a bit unusual I'll see myself out so after all that cutting this is what

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