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Q & A Time….I NEED your HELP FOLKS!!

ah man oh man not feeling the best at the moment and here's a hint as to why that is clue number one a freshly buckled wheel on my brand new mountain bike not happy what's up folks my name's are corn acres and you're watching and do your wife and knuckleheads and I need your help it looks like I'm going to be out of action for a little while due to a chest full busted up ribs halt and a well bruised ego ribs broken ribs sleeping laughing coughing and sneezing all off-limits one pain in the butt what happened was that a couple of days ago I had a massive stack on my mountain bike now the cause for the accident was that I was going down this Bush track at a fair pace for an old bloke like me that is when my right hammer bar clip the tree which flung me over the handlebars at a great rate of knots straight into another tree now I can tell you from personal experience that trees don't have much give hence the ribs now this is where I need your help I'll be off the tools for a week or two maybe three which isn't a bad thing because that gives me the opportunity to do a Q&A video which I have never ever done before and that is where you come in if there's anything you want to know about me or the DIY for knuckleheads YouTube channel within reason of course so leave a comment or a question in the description box down below and I'll see if I can answer that for you in an upcoming Q&A video which your hope will be up next week so get those questions in so get to it folks and I look forward to hearing from you real soon in the meantime I'm hobbling up to the bike shop to check out the damage on that bike before that I think I need a good cup of tea or killers the Blues just like that delicious so yeah

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