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The Miter Saw Station Everyone is Copying!

I just built my brand new sliding sliding miter saw station sliding sliding that's right I added this awesome feature to give you an expanded cut capacity for your small workshop plus it'll also save you a bunch of money because it's made from 99.9% solid wood and none of that new fan dangled expensive plywood this entire build is going to be made from Pine and I bought rough cut Naughty Pine because it was very cheap at the lumber yard that I go to but I'm essentially just Milling it down into 2x4s and 1x4s because I can get it much straighter than I can get it from the box store but if you don't have a jointer in a planer you can always just use construction Lumber the miter saw station I'm building is going to consist of two identical cabinets one on each side of the miter saw which is great because I don't have to think about two different cabinets and get parts mixed up and make a mistake I can just do the same thing twice I cut eight identical legs to size and eight identical stretchers to size and I'm going to join two pairs of each to make up one side of one cabinet and because I'm making two identical cabinets I'm going to have to make four of these identical sides which is pretty easy because I'm just going to attach them together with some dowels using my favorite dowel jig I have a suspicion that there's going to be two types of comments on the dowel jig the first might say dowels this is just a shop cab that you should just glue and screw it together and the second Camp might say dowels you should be using more advanced joinery methods like dovetails and mortis and tenons dowels are going to be much stronger than glue and screws and they're a great way to get introduced to more advanced joinery systems and techniques and for the second Camp these cabinets are going to be screwed right to the wall so I don't need anything stronger than this and something like the Fest tool Domino is far more expensive than a simple Dow jig each stretcher gets three 38 in dowels drilled to connect them to the legs now those dowels are pretty quick and easy to use and just like that we have four identical sides for our miter saw station Cabinets Now there's a big hole in each side that I want to fill because I don't want dust and things getting into drawers that I'm going to make later so I'm going to take more one by material and just simply nail it to the top and bottom because this doesn't have to be complicated but I do want to cut a rabbit on the inside of each leg cuz I want these slots to overlap so that no dust comes in to attach the two sides together I'm going to use more 2x material for the front and some one by material for the back so some of you might be wondering why I'm not using any plywood on this build and there are a few reasons first and foremost I want to present a different option for people I've seen a lot of miter saw station Builds on YouTube and I would say 95% of them are all plywood Construction now anything you can make out of plywood you can make out of real wood and personally I like working with real wood over plywood I find breaking down large sheets of plywood even with a tracka saww kind of laborious and I just don't get much enjoyment from that now there are certain aspects of this build that you'll see in the future that plywood might be a bit better of an option just for sheer convenience but I'm sticking it to the plywood man man to close these sides of the carcasses I could have done something like make a panel and grooves and capture that panel but all that's very complicated and timeconsuming so instead I wanted to do something easy like shiplap but then I was looking through my pile of router bits and I found this one and I have no idea why I own it I can't remember buying it and I definitely didn't use it cuz it was new in the package when I found it so I decided to use it for the first time and create some sweet bead board which is essentially just a rabbit on each side of the board but in addition it has this little bead detail which I think kicks it up a [Music] notch the great thing about doing shiplap is that it's very easy to install cuz I can just glue and nail it together but there is one thing that we still need to keep in mind and that's wood movement now even though these slots aren't GL up into a big panel they're still going to want to expand and contract and to allow that to happen I'm going to use a couple 16in drillas as spacers to make sure there's a tiny Gap in between each slot as I nail them down I still want to use some glue because in the end glue is stronger than nails but I'm just going to put a little bit on the center of each [Music] slot I don't want things rolling underneath here and and having to get down and grab it way in the back and I don't want to clean under there either so I'm going to add a toe kick like you would see with a typical plywood cabinet but I'm just going to use some more one by material and I'm going to put it behind here and glue and Brad nail it to the back here clearly that's a little tight but you get the point well I can't put it off for any longer it's time to clean up my big old mess of a miter saw stationed because I'm ready to Mill up the top and uh yeah that ain't going to work you might be thinking to yourself geez you kind of already have a miter saw station well calling it a miter saw station would be very generous of you all it is is just long box thing that I quickly bang together on top of some saw horses there's no storage at all I have it constantly littered with tools and I have other tools scattered around the shop and also in boxes as well so I'm in desperate need of plenty more drawers for all those tools now that the cabinets are roughly in position it's time to move on to a top and yeah plywood or MDF sounds pretty good right now but I am me I am stubborn and I Am My Own Worst Enemy and I shall continue to make this entire miter station out of solid wood for a big top like this especially because this isn't a high and piece of furniture you don't have to worry about getting each board perfectly straight you should be able to squeeze everything together with the clamps once it's dry it's never going to be absolutely perfect and I know the gut reaction is to grab your sander but hear me out grabbing a hand plane and simply scrubbing across the grain can very quickly knock down any high spots or any inconsistencies in the seams of the boards and that leaves with far less sanding afterwards I didn't want to use a whole bunch of thick Pine for this top but I did want it to look a little beefy so I just glued on this little strip on the front edge to make it look cool sometimes in woodworking it's the seemingly simple things that always end up being the most tricky for example this is going to be a top platform that will support a workpiece next to the miter saw as you're cutting it so it doesn't tip on you all I needed it to have was two sides and the top so that

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