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There’s a problem with our Back to Eden garden!

hey y'all we got the palmettos out the garden is taking shape you can see it there not much of a garden right now but we just got our wood chips delivered because we are going back to eden here it is that's a lot of some pretty small stuff in there some big stuff some little stuff [Music] so [Applause] so but i think we need i think we need to i think we need to dig that uh moss out of there though that's a lot of loss it's a lot of moss well i know but moss gets red bugs red bug you like a red bug i don't like red bugs [Music] here's just a little bit of information for you i don't know how familiar you are with spanish moss but it's kind of funny some people call it old man's beard you usually see it hanging from oak trees in the south and a lot of people don't really know much about it and we'll have people visiting and they'll wrap it around their neck and hang it from their face and everything they think it's really funny the funny thing is that once this touches the ground and it's been on the ground it can get full of red bugs that's why we're going to get it out of this mulch at least the big clumps of it when it's in the tree it's fine because i don't know what the difference is i can't remember if it's if it's once it comes off the tree if it's not living i don't understand what the deal is or maybe it's when it touches the ground but anyway once it's in the tree it's okay but once it touches the ground it's very likely to have red bugs in it so you don't want to pick it up and be messing around with it this was literally just uh ran through the chipper today so i'm pretty comfortable i'm not going to get red bugs by touching it but this is actually what they used to use when uh like in old ford model t's the way they would stuff the seats is with a spanish moss they used to use this actually hundreds of years ago the first settlers and everything they would take this and they would boil it and i don't know if i can show you one here or not but when you boil it it kind of removes i don't know if it's going to focus or not can you see how that's peeling off there see if i can get it to focus yeah see how see how you got like the come on camera you can kind of see how there's like gray here the gray soft stuff and then there's like a thinner wire almost inside they would boil this and then once you do that because the red bugs live in this outer part and once you boil it and pull this off they would stuff their beds with that but they would tell people that they didn't like to just stuff their beds with it before boiling it so that they would get red bugs i had to get my sunglasses because this stuff's blowing in my face though and the drive like this is so dusty you know been wearing these oh glasses i got a two by four stuck in my eye can you see it you see that my eyes are super sensitive anyway i gotta go get this out uh it's about to start raining i'm about to start making it rain out of my eye right now it hurts so bad all right i think i've gotten it out if not out i've got it better i don't have anything goggles so i'm just going to uh there i could i could still breathe i could still face don't ever do what daddy is doing i can still breathe though i should be good i forgot my hat all right let's go there you go there that's that's much better all right let's go do this if you're not familiar with back to eden the back to eating form of gardening the main premise of it is that you start out with land that maybe is the soil is a little hard and it's not very good for farming and you take fresh wood mulch well i guess i shouldn't say fresh wood mulch you take wood mulch that is not prepared like store bought it needs to be from trees natural and you start out with at least a four inch layer on top of the dirt and what happens is the mulch begins to compost over time and it'll feed the dirt below it and it also a lot of times when people do it they already have grass and they might throw out cardboard on top of it and then put the mulch on top of the cardboard and it kills all of the grass and all the weeds and then the mulch starts to feed the soil and over time the the mulch keeps decomposing and you are reinvigorating the soil beneath it when you plant you you move the mulch over to the side plant in the dirt and as it rains and everything the and the moisture just i guess from dew in the morning and the heat generated from the mulch creating steam will keep the ground below it moist for your vegetables and everything while we're out today we went by the seed feed store and bought what are these called red potatoes and white potatoes yeah but are they called like the seeds or something like that yeah they're sweet potatoes they're just little seed potatoes they're not really seeds so we have the red ones which they're not all cleaned up like they would actually be red in the supermarket and they have little eyes sprouting you want to get at least four or five eyes out of each one and this has probably about ten so that it's going to have a lot of success hopefully i have actually in the past planted the ones from the supermarket because they have sprouted and then you can plant those which is really great um but red is my favorite because i like to dice them up and put herbs on them and put them in the oven which is really tasty and then we also got the 15 pounds of white potatoes they had a different name but it's a baking potato so i'm thinking it's very close to russet if not the russet i just don't know a lot about this one um it smells like potato so that's the real i was thinking they were smaller i was thinking they were going to be like really well that one is small yeah that'd be awesome if this camera would focus why jeez come on focus anyway you can you can like live off potatoes because you can make french fries you can french fries yes you can make i call them freedom fries let's go look at this uh these wood chips one more tip about uh spanish moss is it's not spanish either okay i don't know why they call it that another fact about spanish moss is in colonial times that is what they used for to line diapers with because when you strip the gray piece off it actually holds moisture but when the gray piece is on adam might have told you this already it repels moisture so it's pretty cool i mean this is a material that's been used since the beginning of time that's very very neat lots of moss facts in this video but so we've got close to half filled in but let's go look at this uh and well a little under half hey um when you have another load can you do another drop awesome all right thank you bye probably next week oh check that bad boy out i think i could probably get a couple more loads tonight before it gets dark we went to uh the store went to tractor supply and lowe's today and bought some welded wire fence and black and some t-posts and everything so that'll be that might be in the next video or might be in the video after [Music] oh

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