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as I sit here on the shop floor and reflect and think back about all the spaces that I have used and turned into workshops over my life I've I've come up with six things that when they're in my shop I feel it my shop functions well it's safe and I love being in it those six things are this in no particular order first is lighting having plenty of light in a shop so you can see what you're doing is super beneficial next is a work table something like this one right here or anything that gives you the ability to work on whatever you're working on something stable next is electrical having plenty of outlets throughout the workshop pretty much on every wall is beneficial if you're not having to drag cords around your life is could be so much better and you're gonna enjoy being in the shop next is air filtration either a dust collection system or an air filtration unit that mounts on the ceiling that cleans the air in the shop if you're in there working and you're making sawdust your health is a number-one concern while you're in there next on my list is having compressed air at hand in the shop so I have a reel that sits up on the ceiling and I can pull that down and it's full of air whenever I want it makes a huge difference in my shop I don't know why but it just does and last the storage you need all kinds of storage in your shop to put all your stuff in because you're gonna collect stuff and it has to go somewhere and on the floor is not a good place for it so having places to put it so your shop stays clean is huge and that's really what all these things to me helped me do is to help me to keep my shop organized so I'm not tripping over stuff so let's go look at lighting first off let's go see all right so on the ceiling here I have four foot strips I have six units each having to four foot bulbs these are LED bulbs which I find just make for amazing lights it's consistent and you don't get any fluctuations it helps with filming like this and it just makes for an overall consistent even light throughout the shop and that's what's beneficial those are the lights that I chose for my shop if you guys are interested in them I'll leave I'll leave a link in the notes section below they're on Amazon you can go check them out guys so that's part one of this video series part two we're going to be talking about this workbench that I built for myself in the shop I'm going to just show you how I did it talk about some of the components on here that really helped me out to do what I need to do here guys I really appreciate you spending some time with me today like share subscribe comment if you're watching on youtube it really helps and if you're on our website please leave a comment below interact with the community that's there I'd love to see you guys interact and help each other out thanks again for joining me today stay safe and I'll see in the next video

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