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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey y'all today apparently i'm gonna be working on my tractor i've been trying to get the palmettos up out of the backyard like it was in the last video and i noticed that i've got a small leak from the hydraulics down here at the quick attach system this is a pretty cool system that kubota has for the hydraulics it just it's just the one connection that connects everything all at the same time really quick and easy same thing with the front end loader this is the first time i've ever taken the front end loader off and i had a problem with the the leg stand the stands that come down that drop behind the bucket to stand it up so that you can back out of it they wouldn't come down and i probably messed with it for like 30 minutes trying to get it loose and then all of a sudden i walked away from them and they just dropped apparently that's a grease issue and they were just binding up there but anyway that's done i'm going to take a look at this connection for the hydraulics it appears to be actually leaking from every one of the lines or at least three of the four lines from underneath so i don't know if this is something i'm going to need to take it back it's still under warranty i've seen a lot of people have had this issue with this uh front end loader this new attachment system so we'll see how it goes i'm just going to take everything off see if anything needs to be tightened up and wipe everything off with some alcohol and see if there's any grime or anything in there hopefully it's something very simple and then we'll connect it back and see how it goes so i can see here that the front is nice and tight in the back i mean i've got a good 16th of space here in the back it definitely looks like it's not seating all the way there and that would explain why it's leaking from these back three but not from the front one because you can see i mean if you look at how close that is right there versus that that's a big difference [Music] as you can see whenever i reconnected it i had to manually do it uh there's nothing not right there i've got to figure out what the deal is there the connection for the hydraulic lines still looks wonky i'm gonna use it back here do a little bit of digging and see if there's any leaking and if there is i'm probably just gonna have to take it to the dealer and see what the deal is there [Music] well those drips right there tell me that in fact that did not fix the leak i shall have to delve into that issue later for now i went to the store to the gas station and got some fuel some diesel for the tractor and some regular fuel if you don't do this what you should do i would recommend it works out really good for us because we live in a hurricane-prone area so i keep like 30 gallons of gas at all times and this is the this is the first time i've had anything that used diesel so i got this uh diesel uh gas can the other day and speaking of which i use these no spill you know when the government mandated that you had that they had to use these these uh stupid fillers on these gas cans to prevent spilling which causes you to spill every time i love these right here i think they're about 35 bucks i'll put a link if i can find a link for them but i use these all the time but for our regular fuel what i do is i just make sure that i buy high octane so that i can use it on any of the cars and then you try to make sure you get no ethanol added fuel and put fuel stabilizer in it and then i'll rotate it out after like six months if i haven't used some i'll just make sure that i go back before i put any gas in the car or anything i'll use one of those um containers and fill the car up and then refill the container instead of refilling the car that way i make sure that i keep it fresh like i said for us in a hurricane area it works out really well to have some extra fuel in case we have to leave but with the way things are in the world right now you never know something strange could happen and you not have access to fuel you know for a few days or whatever and you don't want to be stuck like that waiting in a line so but whenever i was doing this when i was filling these up it got me thinking that i really needed to pay attention whenever i was filling both of these up because i filled up the diesel and the gas at the same time i had the pumps that were next to each other and i thought man don't screw this up because while i'm thinking about gas i got to thinking about the silent but deadly killer the brain fart how many people have died from brain farts how many people have been injured from brain farts because unlike in its traditional format the brain fart can make you uncomfortable as opposed to those around you it would be very easy to ruin this tractor by having a brain fart and picking up the regular gasoline tank and filling up the tractor and just going ahead and ruin it for me real quick see this dent lovely isn't it runs all the way from here to here strokes of 2008 with only 56 000 miles on it brain fart calls this i was at a client's house several years back and we were delivering cabinets and i was outside waiting while my nephew ran in and did something and a car pulled up behind me on the road and i thought well i'll pull over just a little bit and get out of his way well sure thing he wanted to go right exactly where i was so i thought all right fine i'll just pull over on the grass and as i pulled on the grass this person had four by four post stuck in the ground to keep people off of their grass but ingeniously they had painted them green to match their grass so i didn't see them and i just drug that four by four post right down the side of the truck so don't get in a hurry and they'll get flustered by somebody else rushing you because this happens anytime you're working around like heavy equipment or tools basically those are the times when you could die or you could lose a limb or a finger a guy i worked with many years ago was routing a piece of wood one time and he was running the wood across it and he just ran his hand right across it and just routed right in to the center of his hand which i think probably felt really incredible now some people would call that a momentary lapse of judgment but don't be that guy okay let's call it what it is it's a brain fart we've all seen videos online of people blowing their holes in their legs and whatnot you know if you use a lead dispenser or carry a lead dispenser then you should be most careful of all because basically it kind of works the same way with tools if you don't fear it just a little bit you get so comfortable with it that that's when you lose a finger or an artery my dad was cutting a 4×8 sheet of plywood on a contractor saw one time and a guy that we know came up who was crazy good heart but crazy and he comes up and goes unless we talk and my dad just runs his finger right into the table saw blade my dad

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