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5 COOL TOOLS You Need Now!

what's up party people today i'm going to tell you about the top five must-have tools you didn't know you needed but you do need something like that yeah let's go [Music] what i tried to do for this video was come up with five tools that i once i purchased them i thought man why didn't i buy these sooner why why why why why i'd gone years without them and then once i have them i would never be without them so let's start with tool number one the pool saw sometimes called a japanese saw because there are versions that are more far more traditional than this dewalt version that i bought at i bought this on amazon i think and by the way i'll put links down in the description for most of these tools if not all these tools if i can find a link for them and i make a couple pennies off of every purchase and it costs you nothing i'm sure you know all this whole spiel after watching youtube videos for this long traditional saws work in a push form when you have to the cut occurs on the push japanese saws pull saws flush cut saws work on the pull and what makes these so amazing is that the amount of control they give you one thing that a lot of these saws have compared to traditional push saws most of the time if not all the time they're going to have more teeth than a traditional push saw i got to the point where whenever i had my cabinet shop whenever we went out on a job site that i wouldn't even take a powered saw with me if i was just gonna have to cut trim and stuff i just took the the pull saw because it's fast it cuts much faster than a traditional saw i recommend you get one because i think you'll like a lot tool number two flush cut trimmers snippers snips cutters pullers pliers flush cut pliers snips flush trimmers flush cut pliers practice before you film what makes these so great is if you have a nail that sticks out of something that you're building obviously and you try to use traditional snips pliers cutters i don't know i should have practiced this before i filmed they have a a lot of times they're slightly rounded on the back and also where the cut actually happens they're beveled on each side and so you're going to leave just a tiny little nib of whatever the nail or staple that you're trying to cut and then that's just a hassle in fact it's so much of a hassle that generally what i do is i just take the nail and this is another tip if you don't have flush kit cut this is a tip if you don't have flush cut snips is to take the nail and just wiggle it back and forth and a lot of times it'll break below the surface but that's not always the best option these lay flush with the surface that you're cutting and it will cut the protruding nail generally flush or just where you've got to sand it just a little bit so these are really handy you can clearly see here that that the flush cut ones barely left anything sticking up there where the traditional ones yeah those are finger rippers right there these were something around like 17 again i'll put a link in the description below but it's just a tool that i think you'll really like if you ever have the need to arise to cut nails and whatnot tool number three the craig pocket hole jig system and actually there's other manufacturers craig just happens to be what i've had i believe this is called the craig k4 pocket hole jig system and these are amazing this is adjustable it has this clamp here that you can move in and out and to adjust for the thickness of the wood that you put between it and the holes that guide you it's got the two here that are placed closely and then there's a total of three and you can use them however you need move your wood around the reason the two there are close is generally for like a face frame the way it works is you put your wood in here close it up you can adjust the thickness on here on the side here are little markings that tell you that the height that you need this for for the thickness of wood i've got this set up at three quarters of an inch right now all you do is loosen the brass screw from the back and then this moves up and down and out and the reason it moves out is because if you have to drill a hole in a piece of wood that obviously you can't fit into the jig you can use a clamp you can use any clamp but uh i have a couple kreg clamps that i really like these help you line everything up this clamp right here actually goes into one of the holes drilled from the the jig and helps you hold the wood it uses this stepped drill bit and the reason it's stepped is because the main part of the hole that you're drilling is actually the guide hole the counter sunk part for the screw head to go through and then the step piece here is where the it uses a pan head screw and that screw is going to stop at that stepped bit right there step apart right there but the speed that these let you assemble and the precision actually is just a huge time saver and it makes for a really strong joint uses these screws pan head screws pretty sure all of them are square drive number two square drive which i love just like that you've got a really strong joint especially if it's glued up of course so this isn't always the fastest method for joinery or the best you know when you're building cabinet boxes depending on what tools you have available you know rabbeting and dadoing and using that form of joinery can actually be faster than this if you're building a bunch of pieces but if you're just putting one box together this is probably faster for you again this is the craig k4 i'll put a link in the description it's about 99 my next must-have tool you didn't know you needed to know that you need is self-centering drill bits wow anytime you've got something that already is pre-drilled and then you need to further pre-drill into the second base that you're going to be screwing the original piece to uh is where these work really well the ends of them are chamfered and that lets it center into the hole and of course there's different size drill bits where these really excel is when you're doing something like a piano hinge where you're just drilling dozens of holes and they have to be precise because you know how sensitive a piano hinge is the holes get off just a little bit and everything binds and twists [Music] you don't have to have one but once you do it's like if you never do hinges of any sort you may never have the need for these but they're so inexpensive that you might as well buy some and have them on hand when you do need them they're amazing buy them now so now we have come to the final tool in our five must-have tools you didn't know you needed to need to know you needed that you needed to use when i show you this tool some of you will go you need that too and that's ridiculous this thing's so expensive a lot of people say that in the comments they're like no that tool is so expensive this one is you don't have to get an expensive one without further ado here it is it's a box now this is my track

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