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DIY Outdoor Pizza Oven In 5 Minutes

hey guys welcome back i've got the hat turned around backwards because the sun is blazing today and shadow across my whole face no matter what i did but it's not it's not a bad look really is it though i don't know anyway you know what i love i love pizza in fact i love pizza more than just about any other food there is except for maybe hamburgers or burritos tacos i don't know probably yeah probably definitely pizza have you ever thought that actually a pizza and a hamburger and a burrito and taco they're all pretty much the same thing they're from different countries but it's kind of just the variation of the same thing anyway i digress i love pizza and i want a pizza oven i want an outdoor brick pizza oven and i've been thinking about building one for a while at least a year but you know what they're a lot of work i mean like a lot of work like a lot a lot and ain't nobody got time for that okay maybe i will at some point we'll see but i have seen tons of videos that have been out for a very long time so you know nobody complained in the comments that i didn't come up with this because no i didn't come up with this but i do want to test it i want to see if one thing if it works and for another thing if it's safe uh let me just let me show you what i'm going to be working with here yep okay so we got about 47 bricks and we got two pavers here and i'm gonna make an outdoor pizza brick oven for less than 50 bucks maybe now we're not italian although i have watched the godfather about 100 times one of our favorite family traditions is pizza parties we have them every you know a couple times a year and we usually use this breville pizza oven which does a fantastic job you okay see we love this thing but it gets really smoky in the house and everything and when you're making that many pizzas for everybody it can take a long time it's basically an all-day affair so you want to be early on the list to get your pizza so that's why we want to try the outdoor pizza oven hat backwards again you know when it came time to figure out a place of where to put this brick oven i thought you know i'm going to be building a fire on the ground what's the best place well of course what would be the best place but in our old garden covered in wood chips that's right the most flammable area of the yard and i just picked these up at the local home depot and i think my total for everything here was like i don't know like 49 bucks i should also point out this shine on my arm right now it's not suntan oil okay folks yeah the bugs are out ergo vis-a-vis the bug spray is out that's right 99 deet kills bugs and probably people too i don't know how important it is really for this thing to be perfectly square or level but there's no reason why i shouldn't just exude expertise when i'm doing this you know what i mean use some tools show off those opposable thumbs i've done something wrong here oh no i don't know what i'm doing these things aren't going to line up like that whoa i gotta bump this in see my issue is that i really couldn't find the larger papers like i wanted i got 20 inch pavers and i wanted 24 inch pavers and they didn't have anything stopped so i had to work with what they had that's gonna make that's gonna mean that my pizza has got to be smaller all right so after you got four layers then we put down the paver i'll show you something real quick that's kind of important so once you get to the top you want to make sure that you have a vent so that the fire fire fire is going underneath there and we want that to be able to vent up into here so i'm just gonna i've seen people do it different ways sometimes they move the bricks back sometimes they just slide the paver forward and leave that gap and i'm going to leave that gap just like that kim and i don't always have time to build a brick oven we stay pretty busy but we do want to be able to eat good healthy food that's why we love green chef green chef is a certified ccof certified organic company they have a wide variety of quality clean ingredients that i can feel good about eating and how it got to our table they have options for every lifestyle keto paleo vegan gluten free vegetarian fast and fit mediterranean i think i got them all by having everything delivered to our door green chef saves us time by taking care of meal planning and shopping so we can enjoy a home-cooked meal without the stress how about a little chicken with balsamic pepper jam tell me that doesn't look good no good stuff that's good stuff use my code hacksman130 to get 130 off plus free shipping on your first box go to for more details now for the layer cover in the pizza the actual oven part and what i'm going to do here come here come here everybody come here closer closer let me show you so i've got the vent there i'm gonna put that metal brick there and i'm gonna slide these forward a little bit you know three quarters of an inch and then can y'all see this can everybody see this all right i'm gonna leave that gap right there so that that heat can come in and the smoke and everything and vent up through there and oh no we've got another little issue which we'll just have to deal with and that's that my paper is slightly thinner than my bricks what watch your toes these people watch your toesies this is why the 24 inch paver will be much more bueno now the last paper oh i can hear it one to go this is super sketchy let's talk about the weird thing all right the whole super sketchy part and that is that you shouldn't build a fire on concrete okay concrete can explode from high heat in fact let's come over here for a second oh pay no attention to the mess over here apparently the dogs have been knocking all the chairs over we haven't used the fire pit in a couple months we just had too much going on so i got to do some revisions on it anyway whenever i poured the concrete caps for the smokeless fire pit some of the people said oh those are going to bust and they're going to explode because concrete explodes when they get hot well that is true concrete can't explode when it gets hot and if you look it up it's all over the place it's anywhere from 500 to 1800 degrees fahrenheit that concrete can either crack or explode and i say explode you know if you've got a big piece of concrete you got big old pink concrete it can explode like crazy man if you've got a big piece of concrete it could be dangerous it's like dangerous when there's a fire next to a a concrete building a concrete wall or whatever but generally with small pieces what they'll do is they'll just kind of you know kind of crack and bust and maybe some small pieces can fly out but i have built such huge fires in here to try to get these caps to crack and i haven't been able to do it i mean fire right on it and no issue one of the biggest issues one of the reasons why come on we'll come back over here we'll leave the we'll leave the smokeless fire pit alone for now i do have updates co

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