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How to cut and install baseboards using a homeade jig!

today I want to go over cutting baseboards and there's a little jig that I make to show you a really quickly to accurately measure and cut baseboards so let's get started okay so I built square box and this is going to symbolize outside edges of walls and we're going to do some inside edges too and i'ma show y'all how to use the jig that I make and it's the way I like to install baseboards and we're gonna do a couple cuts and put some baseboard on here alright so to make the jig that I that I'm gonna use for these walls you need to cut four pieces you need to cut two inside corners and two outside corners and since our walls are ninety degrees and I filled them I've been on purpose because most walls inside houses are ninety degrees give or take a few degrees that's gonna be two 45-degree cuts to make your trim match it alright so to make my jig I'm gonna use four inch pieces I need four of them I need two inside corners and two outside corners so I'm gonna give myself about four and a quarter on average so instead of cutting them 16 imma cut a 17 inch piece all right so let's get started with the jig so I should be a inside piece measured some four inches so each piece is four inches this is the outside corner saw rodent seek your references [Music] let me show you how that works when you put it on the wall all right so let's get started so imagine this is the outside of your wall and you're trying to see how long you need to make your cuts for this wall this wall so with the template it's really easy take outside piece you line it up until it makes a perfect 45 and everything's lined up do it on your trim and you mark a line on the back of your trim right here and you move to the next corner and you do the same thing I'm right here win my boards are lined up perfect market and it takes all the guesswork out of measuring because now I can just measure from this line this line that's I take the two foot and a quarter and I had four inches on this side four inches on this side so that's two foot eight and a quarter and that's the cut I got to make on the baseboard I'm going to show you how to do it right so we a two foot eight and a quarter and they're outside cuts just says the jig says on them so my first cut in this board be an outsider so you put your saw to 45 degrees I got a 45 cut here so now you're gonna hold your tape 2 foot 8 and 1/4 eight and a quarter so I got it marked here I'll swing my saw back around the outside so beat my first piece of trim it's got two outside cuts let's put it all right now I got my piece cut and I got my GPS so to install it put it up and look how tight the fit it is – perfect hold it right here then I'm gonna get my gun I'm gonna shoot it now I'm gonna come around to the other piece lit up but mother Jia gonna look how tight a fit that is I mean that is perfect I'm gonna shoot this piece so if I wanted to continue running trim around this whole area I would take this jig as I marked earlier I will put it here and I would mark right here and then I would take my other piece the other outside piece and make another mark and then measure and do the same thing all the way around right so now we're going to do an inside corner and this is how my inside jig looks it's just the inside cut to 45s and it's 90 degree cut here it's just a straight cut say we need to run inside trim on this wall this is the inside wall okay so if you don't have the jig you would have to put your tape measure in the wall and have it bent right here trying to get a reading some people can get accurate reading like that but to me the easiest way is with the stick and you just take take it you put it inside the wall right here fits up perfect and you mark the outside of the shrimp on the wall it's really quick come over to the next corner put your jig in lined up now all I got to do is come here and measure from this line to this line and I've got twenty-one and five eighths so we're gonna cut two inside corners twenty one and five-eighths then you add four inches for this side because it's jig is 4 inches and 4 inches to this side because this jig it's four inches so we're gonna have twenty nine and five eats we're gonna make two inside cuts 29 and 5yz right now I'm gonna cut two inside corners 29 and five set my salto 45 you got to pay attention when you cutting inside and outside corners it's really easy to get confused and put the wrong the wrong side like outside and inside on this board all right we got it lined up 2905 eats let's go put it on and see if it fits all right I got my piece cut now let's see how it fits here's my first piece and here's my jig put in and you can see how tight that fits so I'm going to take it I was running real trim put a nail in here and here is my next piece put my jig in you can see how tight that fits so let me show you how it mark all this out and how fast it is inefficient alright so if I wanted to mark the inside of this these walls out to cut trim for come in put my jig right here mark here and here then I'll come around to this corner put my jig in you want to make sure it fits very tight just like it will on the wall make your mark here and here here and here come around to this corner make sure everything's tight market the same way we already got marks here from when I laid out earlier so now all I'm going to do is measure this line to this line this line to this line and this is a very efficient way to layout this trim and cut it really nice I went ahead and nailed up my outside edges too but anyway you can see how tight this trim fits all the way around and that's how you want to trim the fit so you just need to be shot right there come to the inside thanks for watching today I hope you learned how to measure base board accurate using two jig systems an inside corner and outside corner it's the way I like to do trim it's not the only way to do trim so there's a hundred other ways that people do trim but it's the way that I like to do trim thanks for watching please like and subscribe [Music]

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