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Installing the Crown Molding / Cornice and Taping the Joins.Owner Builder Series Ep 30, Part 3.

you know knuckleheads uncle knackers here and as you can see we're now mixing up your first gauge of basic code to start setting in our wall and ceiling joints now the first job is to bed some paper tape into that recess between the two sheets of plastic board or drywall and that's made so much easier with this tool here that they choosing called a banjo now if you don't have one of those tools which most people don't then you can do the same thing with just using a trail and inside the box it looks something like that nice T so to load the box it's a call a box – – yeah banjo thanks runs on outside make sure the gauge is pretty sloppy get a bunny gauge and then pour it all that place code in to make any cake that back on probably most tasty yes baby back okay lady yeah once you put that type down getting a bed that type of type into that mud yeah till the lasix yep what are you using for that this gyprock spice cut that yep and with the banjo you can even do eternal corners so it's a pretty versatile tool and like I said before if you haven't got a banjo you can do it by hand first of all put down some base coat then grab your paper tape cut it off then read that in the trail with the joins all set is now time to start installing some cornice or crown molding which Jeff is now cutting simply using a miter box to hang the cornice the boys are using jib rocks corners are men 45 and what that 45 means is that if mixed correctly you have 45 minutes working time before a cornice cement starts to go off so here we are mixing up a batch of cornice cement old-school hey Jack am i some blokes use a drill and a bucket of water to do this we're doing this today old-school so give me a pile of cornice cement making a bit of a volcano hole in the middle and clean water build that up gently start blending in all that corner cement thank go too hard right they don't break the bank good way of putting it yet that corner cement is slowly sucked up that water and I guess you'll get less lumps in your bruise bit more water I've just done this many many times but if you're doing it yourself make sure you follow the instructions on the bag start to bring those corners in while the edges into the center keep blending that in and just be aware that the more you work the corner cement the copy to it will go off now just apply that the edge corners on it up so easy just just loads up it Hawk oh here we go okay so with the chorus it's a nice light coating down each edge just like that that's ready to go up the jobs made a lot easier if you can have somebody holding the cornice the crown molding while the other person applies and now we're ready to install that chorus just carefully place it in position and then squeeze it firmly against the wall and the ceiling you can see that corner cement just squeezing out those edges and then get a clasp and put one underneath and one up top in various positions and that should hold that course in place until now before that corner cement goes totally hard always get a damp sponge and wipe all that excess quad cement and they also take yep as nails at this point and to fill in those little holes once that's all done that's just time to finesse some of those joins bit of Michelangelo action down on there good now just in regard to that cornice or code or crown molding that have just installed most project home builders by default will just install a stock standard 19 millimeter cove cornice it's quite bland and boring so what I decided to do is to install CSR's Alto a el tío profile it's a modern profile which suits this house absolutely beautifully and once painted up it's going to look fantastic now the last job that we need to do to finish the plaster boarding off is to stay in their joint now if you've done that before you'll know how time-consuming dirty and dusty and job is so what the boys have is an automatically sanding machine which is basically an industrial sized vacuum attached to a scene as you can see no confirmation job is so much quicker and cleaner so if you're doing a large area you can get your hands on one of these machines and here it is after two long weeks the plastering is all done and it looks absolutely fantastic now hope you stick around for the next episode where I'll do a walk-through of the whole property with the plaster board or the drywall installed so make sure you stay tuned for that one and if you want to have a go yourself at setting those joints or putting up that cornice make sure you check out see a search of rocks website where you can download the installation booklet I leave a link to those guys in the description box below so make sure you check them out alrighty well I hope you enjoyed and found that video useful and as per usual a big thumbs up is greatly appreciated and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button for more handy tips alright I'll use time for a cup of tea so till next time I'm an idiot cheese

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