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Owner Builder Series Ep 33: Drainage, Garage Door, Tiling and Fixout!!

get our heads uncle knackers here and welcome to episode 33 of my owner builder series now I've got a lot going on today and we're kicking off nice and early with putting up garage door 1 which is pretty exciting now these installers generally work by themselves I've often wondered how did I get to ask big doors up without any assistance well here's the trick they install ropes with loops down from the brackets above the door then simply insert one end of the garage door into that loop which supports it and then lift it up put it into the next loop on the other side and then repeat the process pretty ingenious and before you know it there's the garage door up honest brackets ready to be screwed down well done look at that door goes down and door goes up you can accomplished toss away all the weapons we are good to go and while the garage door was being installed I've had a thick Lindsey the escalator driver and knock passed more the plumber in the backyard doing so Perth works regarding and sewer and stormwater lines oh and I can't forget gage the fox terrier gage is fix best mate and she spends most of the day on the back of the excavator keeping Vic company she's got a pretty good life niche she loves it and here's the trench focal stormwater which runs across the back of the property and then down the side fence and the boys had a real hard time with this because it was just full of tree roots which is a plumber's worst nightmare and Here I am offering market bit of useless information while he puts together that's stay your scratch Ruby you can see now that the trench is getting deeper this is the line of sewer pipe which has to meet up with the boundary trap in the back of the yard which is that square bit of concrete there with the pipe that goes down to the base of that boundary trap we need to get down to the base so we can hook up the sewer pipe a bit careful here could you don't want to break it steady white shirt white shirt good stuff you know dad you from moment so like I said at the start of the video it's all systems go today with mark and Vic in the backyard Justin's doing some wall tiling and I've started to do this fix out I've decided to start with some skirting board or baseboard and some architraves in the old section of the house we can't do the new section yet because the floorboards haven't been installed once they are installed then I can put down the architraves and then the skirting board or a baseball and like I said at the start of the video there's a fair bit going on at the moment and I think that's going to be the nature of the beast for the rest of the build what this our thing I'm glad you asked this is a bit of old fascia which I sell we just want to pull down part of the old house this and a stack of other stuff out the back which as a housewarming present I'm going to make a nice rustic old outdoor table I think with a bit of TLC and if you repairs and it's going to come up an absolute treat alrighty well hope you enjoyed and found that video useful and as per usual a big thumbs up is greatly appreciated and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button for more handy tips alrighty guess what I'm off for a cup of tea so till next time I'm out of here cheese

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