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Owner Builder Series. Ep 40. Carpentry Fix-out & Electrical Mains Hook-Up.

g'day knuckleheads uncle knackers here and welcome to episode 14 in my own abilities well it's fix our time or as some people may call it spit out I like this stage because it means you're getting close to the end and it's also not as taxing on the body which is handy make sure you get those jams in nice and straight nobody likes a crooked door now I'm under the pump a bit at the moment because the electricians will teach you tomorrow when they turn up not going to have power for a while so I'm working flat out getting all the jams done hanging all the doors just so that I'm not wasting time in fact I'm even working at night things are crooked teller look I feel like I'm on one of those at renovation reality shows on TV where I've only got a couple of hours left before the big reveal and speaking of reveals I'm just attending to these reveals on the sliding door and just attaching some Parker trave work and once that's all done it's time to crank up the concrete demolition machine I need to cut a trench across the old driveway so that the electrician's can then dig their trench to lay the mains power cable which is then to be attached to the side of the house now the demo swap is an absolute beast and is incredibly noisy and if this doesn't set the local neighborhood dogs off barking but then nothing will and as you can see the electricians have turned up with their digger and trenches of being dug as a result the power is now off which is a good time for me to do a spot of painting I don't mind picking up the old paintbrush every now and then it's nice and peaceful gives you time to think I like it and while I'm at the back in my peaceful little bubble the boys are at the front and hard at it then you see here the orange mains power cable in the trench and that runs across the front of our property in front of my neighbor's property and connects to the top of this power pole once the mains power cable has been laid in that trench they will backfill that trench to about half its depth and then you'll notice how they've laid this branch tape now mental note the reason for the orange tape is that it's a warning tape so if you are somewhere on your property and you're digging a hole and you come across that I tape stop because beneath it is going to be your mains power cable and you don't want to dig that up it could be a shocking experience get a shocking electrical you get a shock when you dig it up anyway after that particularly poor judge you can see now that the power has been connected and we are now good to go so there you have it folks I hope you enjoyed and found that video useful and as per usual a big thumbs up is greatly appreciated and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button for more handy tips and make sure you stick around for the next episode where we'll be installing the kitchen as well as installing the bulkhead that goes above the kitchen which is what I am doing right here once that's done we'll look at plastering the bulkhead and then it's time for the bench tops to go on as well as a bit of painting alrighty it's getting light I think it's time for cup of tea so till next time I'm out of here cheese

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