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Scrap Wood Picture Frame…With a Twist! Scrap Wood Christmas Gift Idea.

right oh listen up folks this is a very important and timely message I'm about to say six words that trust me you don't want to hear you ready for this it's only seven weeks till Christmas what some weeks with that in mind I think now is the perfect time to get in early for once and get organized with some awesome handmade Christmas gift-giving ideas kicking off with a quirky little picture frame with a twist get a folks uncle knackers here from DIY for knuckleheads now if you want to see more super simple DIY projects that anybody can do and easily knock over in a day or even a weekend start now by clicking that subscribe button and then hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything alrighty on with the project now for this project what do we need in regard to materials I'm glad you asked and if I could make a suggestion if you've got an old scrap wood pile like I have here just rummage through that until you find something that is appropriate or suitable for the picture frame that you're about to make luckily for me I stumbled across this old stick of pine it's a bit beaten up but it should do the trick it's 55 millimeters by 19 millimeters now also came across this section of molding not quite sure what I use this for but I think this would jazz up the frame quite nicely and for the backing board which goes behind the picture frame I'm just using this scrap piece of seven millimeter ply which I used previously when I made is really cool little mobile phone holders or arty I think we're good to go now before we get too excited and start cutting timber we'll need to grab a router and cut a rebate down the entire length of that pine and all the cuts for today's project will be done on my miter saw which will be set at 45 degrees with that rebate now cut just simply turn the piece over so the rebate spaces a fence and then just simply cut a 45 degree angle [Music] beautiful and now this is where that tricky little twist comes into play because we now need to cut the pieces of the picture frame to size and for the top and the bottom from Long Point to Long Point I'm cutting those at 330 millimeters for one side I'm cutting that at 420 millimeters from Long Point to Long Point and the other side I'm cutting that at 380 millimeters for a long point to Long Point C mod stick around will all make sense shortly [Music] and this is how the picture frame looks from behind after all those pieces have been cut ignore that gap and now's the perfect time to cut that plywood to fit inside that rebate so grab your tape measure and measure across the top and then also down the side and then cut the plywood to size now don't be too tight with it give yourself a millimeter on either side and on the bottom and on the top and that will give you a bit of breathing space to work with just a quick side note and what we're talking about measuring things have you ever wondered why tradesmen always seem to have fresh breath it's because they're always taking measurements mmm delicious all right you know the score that Jack scale out of 10 let me know down below mmm minty fresh [Music] beautiful now I've got some paint left over from the project I did last week and if you haven't seen that do yourself a favor I'll leave a link to it up there somewhere so make sure you check that one out but what I thought I'd do is with the dark gray I'll paint the face and the side and with the white I'll just go over the insides here so it'll be a two-tone effect but if we paint this now once the backing goes on we won't need to cut in with that white paint okay time to glue the picture frame together now this is a bit unorthodox because we haven't got all sides meeting up so you can't get that compression to hold and join together so we'll just try something out I'll put some tape here I'll run some glue on those joins lay the pieces on the tape fold it up and we'll see how we go from there don't be shy with the glue twenty-eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that seems pretty good but what I'll do I'll also put one across the face like this and hopefully that will keep things nice and flat so even if you don't have clamps you can always get around things there you go so what I'm going to do is I'll let this dry I'll come back tomorrow put that back board on and then do what we have to do to finish it off alrighty it's Friday afternoon he's time for a beer dojo ok we're back I hope you had a good weekend it's now time to remove this tape now we just need to be a bit careful because these two pieces aren't joined these two corners will be a bit vulnerable so just be a little bit careful and see here we go so far so good [Music] all righty didn't hold up too bad now this is looking really good so all we need to do now is to fix this backing board in place with a series of nails which will be really good because that will help hold that frame together to fix the backing board in place first of all I'm going to pre nail it that way or the banging won't vibrate loose those miters on the picture frame and you might also notice that I've placed it face down on some ply that way it won't get damaged during the nailing process and also check these out these are the little nails that we'll be using and it can be a bit fiddly trying to nail them in so a good trick when using small nails is just to get some pliers and hold the nail just like that and then all you need to do put it in place and nail away how cool is that [Music] [Music] to finish the job off and to give the picture frame a bit of depth I went out I've got that pine moulding which you saw earlier and cut it the size using my miter saw and I reckon that once this is in place it's going to add a little bit of class although la I likey [Music] and just to get ready for the painting I'm going to patch up these holes then we'll give it a quick sand followed by paint [Music] it's always a good idea after you have patched and sanded to give the project a hit with an undercoat prior to applying the finish coat of paint now this image transfer method is really simple if you want to see how it's done click on the link above and I think the explanation starts around the 5 minute 40 second mark check it out all right beautiful and now I just want to give this a really light little sand just to get a bit of life to it now once this has been sanded I'll gonna apply a couple of coats of a clear satin varnish [Music] Laroy to finish this off I'm just going to give it a quick couple of coats with this clear satin varnish it's just an old team that I had floating around the shed but it should do the job nicely [Music] and there you have it oh yeah good does that look now all we need to do is to drive in a couple of screws into the back of that frame so we can attach some picture wire to [Music] perfect and to drive home the message of measure twice cut once been there done that and let's face it who hasn't done that in the past I'm going to superglue in place this

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