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Stop Using Plywood To Make Cabinets!

I'm going to show you how to make inexpensive wall hung cabinets out of 100% solid Pine and none of that expensive plywood I made mind to go over my sliding sliding miter saw station but you can make these for anywhere in your house because they look so good let me show you how I made [Music] them I splurged for some premilled S4s Pine it's actually not that much more expensive but it saves me about 100 Bo feet of planing and jointing is it perfect definitely not but it will do the good thing about a softwood like Pine is that if it's close enough usually you can force it into submission now this is not really fine woodworking per se but for a shop project we can get [Music] by after I rough cut them to length I did want to Edge joint them Edge jointing is far less labor intensive than face jointing and planing and to do that I using the in out method now it's very common method if you haven't heard of it real quick you just stick an i and a o on each side of an edge joint and then you put that I in towards the fence and you put that o out towards the other side when you're using the jointer this takes out any air in your fence and it makes your joint come out as close to perfect as [Music] possible when I'm clamping two boards together I'm usually not too worried but when I'm adding more boards like in this case I'm doing three at a time then I want some alignment Aid so that the joints aren't offset and that would cause a lot of effort down the line so I want this as smooth as possible but I also want it flat as possible which is uh slightly different too some people will grab their biscuit joiner or they'll use dowels or their expensive Domino machine and litter the edges of the board so that they'll come into alignment and not be cockeyed but that doesn't prevent you from clamping a cup into the board when gluing it up the only Sure Fire way that I found to do that is to use clamping calls which go straight across the board and cinch everything flat and in alignment at the same time they're a bit more effort to use but I totally think it's worth it every single time I suppose if you're using your biscuits or dowels for alignment and you're super careful not to clamp a cup into the panel then that'll probably be a more efficient use of clamps [Music] once all your panels are glued up the Instinct and I get it is to grab your sander with 80 or 60 grit and just give her across the whole board trying to get any little deviations of those little seams to be nice and flat there's an easier way first if you do have any glue drips that you didn't clean off before like me take a cheap paint scraper and just knock them off boom done next grab a hand plane and don't run away it's really not that big a deal this one isn't even all that sharp because it's Pine you can get away with not having a super super sharp hand plane all I'm going to do is crudely knock down these little tiny ridges that are left after the glue up the calls are great but they're not perfect so I have a little Ridge here and there all it takes is a couple swipes across those ridges all right I mean it doesn't look amazing but those seams are a lot more flush and I saved a bunch of time sanding so now I can just quickly go over it with some 80 grit I made about 10 to 12 panels admittedly some of the panels didn't come out perfectly flat because I didn't face joint them or plain them surprise anyway to deal with the ones that are more cued I had a strange idea I just threw them on the ground like that but I did it so the cupide was facing down the moisture from the concrete kind of wicked into the panel and now they're [Music] flat how am I going to join the sides to the bottom and top to make a case I could use a domino but that's not really myi here on YouTube I could simply glue and screw it that would be good it would be strong enough I could do rabbits they're pretty strong pretty easy but because my panels aren't super flat you might not get a even depth across it and then you got to finesse it with hand tools and for the same reason I won't be doing miters either because it'll be very difficult to get a clean joint without a super flat board so I think I could dowel this together I've never done a case like this with dowels there's no reason why it shouldn't work it's going to be super strong dowels now this is super easy yall know that I love my Dow Max doweling jig I have marked the front edge of my bottom here actually this is my top I should probably write that down on it so I don't forget now I'm going to put my first dowel in from the front edge a little bit I'm going to offset it with the combo Square hold it and tighten it and I can drill my first hole I'm going to use the built-in spacing of the dowel jig to space five dowels along my panel so I'm going to use the first one and I'm going to use the last one and when I loosen up The Jig I'm going to slide it over and use this reference pin to stick the first hole of The Jig in the last hole that I just drilled and now I can drill the last hole in the jig again and now it's spaced perfectly again slide it down and put the pin in the last hole I just drilled and [Music] repeat see looking [Music] good now that's the top and I already did the bottom let's do the sides now since the bottom and top are drilled in through the edge I need to drill The Mating dowel holes into the bottom inside face along the edge so the dowel Max as fun as it is can convert so I just need to unscrew these little doodads here and flip the clamp around like that and now I can clamp it in the same manner like I did before spacing it from the front edge and do the exact same [Music] thing I'm just going to put two in for now cuz I'll never get it apart if I put put any more dowels in oh yeah oh it lines up so well my panels aren't even that flat and it's [Music] good maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think you need to have a back to an upper cabinet it's strong enough as is and once it's screwed to the wall it's not going to Rack it's not going to go anywhere you just need to get it up on the wall nice and square that being said I am going to put backs on these cabinets but structurally they're not really needed I thought it would be a cool idea to continue the bead board panels that I used on the lowers and the sides and put them for the back of the cabinet so when you open the doors you get like ooh country Vibes it will be really like nice and quaint and idilic inside my cab [Applause] [Music] cabinets I guess started with my beadboard shiplap router bit this is a bit different than a typical beading bit because it gives you this little ledge here for a rabbit that'll go on the opposite side to overlap right here now I'm going to put a round over over here so that it matches the radius of the [Music] bead the last step is to add a rabbit under the round over so it overlaps onto the [Music] bead in the future when I want to put the back slats on the back o

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