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Waterproofing and Cement Beds. Owner Builder Series Ep 31.

gidday knuckleheads or Nicosia and welcome to episode 31 of my own to build a series now if you've been following along you'll know that we've just finished plastering the whole house and now it's time to start laying the tiles in the kitchen laundry bathroom and ensuite now before you get too excited and start throwing some tiles down it's really important to get those areas waterproofed and then put down a cement bed to lay your tiles on top of and this is how our ensuite looks after one coat of that waterproofing membrane has been employed now here in Australia the only people who can apply the waterproofing membrane a licensed waterproofing contractors and Justin Skinner who is at Tyler is also a licensed waterproofing contractor so he's been doing that for us she's been very handy now he's rolled the walls and the floors with a paint roller coated with that waterproofing membrane he's also take the internal corners of the shower and also the external edges and the back of that niche and also taped around the perimeter of the floor so in effect we've created a pool of waterproof pool so if any water does happen to go through the tiles through the cement bed it will finish up on top of this waterproofing membrane which will direct the water over out that shower drain there or this waste outlet in the middle of more so hopefully I think this would be absolutely perfect looks good so here we are putting down the Smit beds for our tiles Justin's here what's in that mix Matt's between three and four parts sentiment yeah so already the whole purpose of doing this screen of a cement screed yep so we've marked out where the shells going and that cement bed and fall back toward that shower drain you'll come back a little bit later you can see Justin here working on these levels in the shower base making sure that around the edge of that element in angle the screed is down low enough so that when the tiles are laid they finish up flush with the top of that element in strip so that's a pretty dry mix is known and if it's too whether those side just they won't go yeah that's not sloppy at all yes all those renovation shows you see on TV where they put the screed down in the morning and they're putting a waterproof on it in the afternoon it's dangerous basically you don't that's right buddy yeah yeah if you do it's an easy piece right now yep if you make an exit experience yes yes so now we just continue on and do the rest of the show I'll just zoom in so if we zoom that in is Hana say I'll just a focus you just see the bubble that's a little that's little there you drop it down you see the bubble just on the edge of the line yeah so usually with most spirit levels are fairly standard see that lines there yeah you want about a third of the bubbles room double line yeah and then that's usually you tend to one or one centimeter or for when one meter yeah which used to be the standard yeah now also mate we forgot to mention that before we put the cement screw down we wet the floor don't we like doing that yeah sprinkle on some cement nice thing yeah I mean you can just stop right so do you I'm sort of mix it up or just let it and with the floor now all wet justin has just dumped in his mixture of sand and cement spreading that out and then he just needs to work out some levels right around the perimeter of the job just lie that wish it was that easy now while Justin's inside finishing off those sled bets I thought it'd be a good idea to duck outside and put an undercoat from those Miranda's and inside Justin's still in there working at boys levels just trying to get that Senate bed just right now just remember when laying your cement bed that you have to work from the back of the room and then back toward the door just like Justin's doing here otherwise you'll be working all over your own beautiful fresh new floor you know just cleaning it up few touch-ups get rid of the excess and we are finished and that's how it's done folks he makes it look easy doesn't he trust me it's not and if you stick around for the next episode Justin will walk you through how to install some of those wall and floor tiles well I hope you enjoyed and found that video useful and as per usual big thumbs up is greatly appreciated and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button for more handy tips alrighty well I'm off for a cup of tea so – the next time I'm out of here cheese

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