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Whiteboard Paint DIY Project.

get a folks uncle knackers here from DIY for knuckleheads oh I've got myself a couple of big problems big problems problem number one I have a blank space on my garage wall that is workshop sacrilege I'm embarrassed and problem number two it's in here yep I know that's quite obvious but the thing is I get all those really good ideas and I gotta write them down but I get distracted then I forget all about it and then I get more good ideas and I gotta write it down again and then something else two strikes me I forget about it all over again I think you get the picture but what's the solution well I'm glad you asked I'm going to make myself my very own DIY magnetic whiteboard yep you heard that right I'm going to get the whiteboard and attach it to a frame made from pellet wood and then I'll hang it off that vacant wall and for me that is going to be an absolute game changer alrighty I think we've got ourselves a project let's do it now this is going to be a two-part video series and yes we will be having a competition with an awesome prize so make sure you stick around and watch both of those videos for more details to come now video one will go through the whole process of applying that magnetic and whiteboard paint and video to we'll make that pallet wood frame and hang the whiteboard up on the wall behind me nor arty let's get stuck into video one sounds good now that backing that I'm using for my magnetic whiteboard is just this sheet of tile underlay it could be plaster board sheetrock drywall it doesn't really matter it's all going to do the same thing and the success of your job or the and a lot on how clean that surface is if this was a pre painted wall like the wall of a house fix up any imperfections and then give it a good wash down with some sugar soap this sheet here is still in its raw state so I'll need to apply a prep coat prior to applying the magnetic and white board paints just between you and me I reckon that looks pretty good so let's go ahead and apply that prep coat now to apply the prep coat you don't need to be a nuclear scientist simply a matter just rolling that on and I see them strikes [Music] and we just want to ensure that we get a good even coverage that's going on beautifully and it's always a good idea when you're painting to lead with that edge that edge there okay that looks fantastic we'll let that dry and then once that's done we'll come back and apply the magnetic paint now the good folk over at Monster mo n sta have supplied the magnetic and the whiteboard paint for this video so it's a big thank you to those guys and now I can't wait to have a crack at this because I really want to see if it works and is it actually value for money let's do it and this is the magnetic paint that I'll be using and to prove that it's magnetic I have my favorite fridge magnet it's a hundred and twenty nine years old and it's an 1889 one penny with a magnet stuck on the back and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is the world's oldest fridge magnet show me a silver Roman Denarius with a magnet stuck on the back and I'll can see and as you can see this fridge magnet just simply sticks to the side of that tub of magnetic paint magnetic non-magnetic that's what we're after and as with any paint product make sure you give it a really good stir I have to say this is quite heavy compared to a regular tub of just normal house paint so stir away and when you get the kit the stirrer comes with it now as you can see it's becoming a nice consistency this very little odor coming off that but I think they do recommend that you ventilate the room as you're doing it as a precaution that's becoming a very smooth now I've been doing this for about four to five minutes I think we're almost ready to go okay let's roll this magnetic paint on and for best results use one of these foam rollers now these also come with the kit see here we go now it takes two coats with a two-hour drying time between coats between applying a second coat alright that's looking pretty good I'll leave this to dry for a couple of hours then I'll come back put the second coat on beautiful now here's a quick tip there's no need to wash out that roll off between coats to simply grab some foil from the kitchen and you can wrap that around the roller this will keep it nice and fresh [Music] – easy alright that first coat is near dry there's a slight texture to it and as far as the odor goes you can hardly even smell it which is really good if you're doing this inside a classroom or an office type situation okay on to the second coat hmm that's covering beautifully it's rolling on very smoothly which is good not tacky at all and that is looking pretty good beautiful well I'm back then magnetic paint is dry and I've just given it the old magnetic test and just between you me and a fence post it's not too bad these are everyday fridge magnets that is laminated plastic and uncle knackers self-portrait and it does the job quite nicely so far so good all right onto the whiteboard paint now the whiteboard paint also known as right paint comes in two parts Part A and Part B and you mix these two up to a ratio of 1 to 4 give those a good stir and you're good to go and for the best results when applying the whiteboard paint the kit comes with these foam rollers and also a measuring cup so you don't mess up those ratios all righty let's do it [Music] okay let's do this all right first coat and they do recommend a ventilated room he's a little bit of odor not too bad do it some there now that is looking pretty good this is the first coat I won't bore you with painting the second coat so I'll come back after that's done and we'll give it the big test alright that's looking good okay I think we're about good to go so let's give this magnetic whiteboard the big test let's do this [Music] now let's just see how well this rubs off she'll be interesting [Music] that looks pretty good I'm happy with that now I have to say that cleaned up quite nicely it didn't come off in one or two swipes as you could see and I think that was due to the fact that when I applied the magnetic paint I did it too thick and then didn't smooth it off to finish which gave it an orange peel effect and that made wiping off that whiteboard marker a little bit more than the one or two swipes but all in all good stuff so that's it folks what do you think my final thoughts I really like it especially when you can paint an entire wall with the stuff opens up a world of opportunities you could have an office type situation I can just see this as a great way of getting better engagement from your workmates during one of your boring old presentations you could project a life-size image onto a wall and draw arrows to it and around it and on it and brainstorm things in classrooms the kids bedroom walls you're really only limited by your imagination and I can't wait to put this into a frame and hang it up on my garage wall which by the way

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